
Not Raiding with these guys

Last night I had what was supposed to be heroic DS night with Relentless on my shaman.  Before I go into it, I am in fact, not raiding with them, any more. After this.  I’m serious.

So first off, Heroic Morchok.  Lila was solo healing the easier side, I had Morchok.  Her side died from heal problems 2-3 times before they pulled Scuba into service to TWO HEAL THE EASY SIDE. We got that down, no loot I needed.


Did Zon’ozz on normal.  Tried Heroic Yor’sahj but it was like we were new again, and had people killing the mana ball at the wrong times AGAIN.  At this point Scuba kept disconnecting every 30 seconds or so, so it was bizzare they assigned him to heal Cinor who was tanking.  We wiped on that about 5 times and then killed it on normal.

Anything else heroic was out of the question, plus prior to Blackhorn Rayzo left to go see a movie and Jynx also took off.  Even though the rest of the normals are completely 2 healable, we brought in Rob’s resto shaman and I switched to my pally.

During spine the resto shaman got blown off when he didn’t get into the hole when it was time to tip Deathwing.  I looked at his healing done and it was all healing rain, chain heal, and riptide.  I focus’d him to see what was being cast and… almost nothing.  No heal, no greater heals, at all.  Apparently he only knew the fight on LFR where you don’t have to deal with the searing debuff. I asked him after if he was set up to “see the searing debuff we have to heal off”.  That was my nice way of saying “you don’t know this fight, do you?”.  He said no.  So he was healing just people taking damage that was visible, which as we know on that fight is next to nothing. Why don’t people please just say “what do I need to know about this fight?”

Got down Deathwing, the 2 handed sword I wanted dropped but I didn’t roll because Maice would use it more than me.

Anyway, done raiding on Thursdays.

I sort of hate mages

Ran with Post Mortem again, and it went pretty well. Took like 20 extra minutes to fill though.

We could have gotten Yor’sahj on Heroic if we had a little more time, but Ultraxion the dps kept messing up the fading lights. A little pissed at someone in my guild though, I asked if anyone had a mage that wanted to come when we had trouble filling, and this one guy was like “I would but I don’t need anything from normal ds”. It’s like holy shit really? I haven’t needed anything from DS normal in MONTHS and I still bring my priest and shaman every week. So I should just stop running because I don’t need anything?

Anyway, nothing I needed dropped. We brought a mage named Magicizan who did fine, but requested that the person using the voice changer to stop (it didn’t bother me) and requested that things that you should watch yourself be called out, like Hour of twilight in Ultraxion. Yeah just, pay attention? Otherwise they were ok, and walked away with all kinds of loot, including the heroic non tier shoulders, the haste trinket I want for my mage, and Will of Unbinding. Pugs always seem to get all the gear.


We raided last night, but Scuba did not show up, and that new paladin, Trance, appears to have server transferred. Nytok came again to heal, which was just lovely, but for some confusing reason we brought a guild shaman named Smoltinator. We did not need to three heal anything. The shaman was missing 7 enchants, and had a rather confusing array of gems, some int+spirit, some pure crit, some int+crit, some int+haste.

We tried heroic Zon’ozz but that went poorly for many reasons, one of which was the new shaman dispelling before people were out and getting others killed. We tried it on normal and they apparently decided to not dispel AT ALL (I had 100% dispels) with our good druid going dps (yes dps) and it brought me to my knees in mana even with shadowfiend and using the Heart of Unliving trinket. I had 27k hps plus 100% dispels, and for the first time in ages had to pop Divine Hymn on NORMAL Zon’ozz.

We tried heroic Yor’sahj but that went even worse. Even though we had 3 healers I was assigned to heal the tank, Cinor, plus myself and 2 dps. The mana ball wasn’t being handled properly so I lost Cinor more than once simply being out of mana, and once or twice when he disconnected. Lila also disconnected at least once, and we ended up doing that on normal. I got Insignia of the Corrupted Mind which no one wanted. I may go shadow again in MoP while questing or something.

We did Ultraxion on normal and the new shaman died twice, and then Rayzo and Jynx had to go before boat, so once again not even a full clear. I think I’m done raiding.

Thanks, No-Show

We did our regular group of DS last night, but Sealan did not show up even though he accepted and we talked about the raid that morning. He was supposed to replace Shiftthis who quit, or something. We brought in Nytok instead who said he was capable of 2 healing everything and was. We did heroic morchok with me on the easier left side for once, but failed at heroic Yor’sahj for reasons unrelated to healing, did the rest on normal and stopped at boat. It was nice to see a druid properly geared, enchanted, reforged who actually breaks 15k hps when needed.

We brought a bad warlock named Strberrywine who never switched off boss during Yor’sahj, and died like 3x during Hagara (I called that). Also died during Ultraxion and I’m pretty sure on Blackhorn too. But he walked away with like 5 pieces of gear.

We also had a paladin named Trance who claims he main raids with Rocket Surgery on another class. He wanted to come as a holy pally with a 333 blue neck piece, and 4-5 pieces of DPS PVP gear. Including one dps pvp TRINKET. I was like uh do you have your real healing gear in another pair of pants? No.

He tanked instead and took SO MUCH damage I couldn’t smite heal like at all, and repeatedly lost him between greater heals.

Maybe you should GO

Our normal raid, siiiiiiiiiigh. We brought a terrible resto druid, and I solo healed my side of heroic Morchok. The first attempt went bad when Shift was left to solo heal his side and I had the bad druid, and Scuba didn’t go heals. Shift said it was because people were “doing things wrong” though.

Heroic Vagaries of Time dropped and I beat the bad druid on it. That is good because my rage would have rivaled the power of the sun itself if he had won it. The bad druid was Healzonwhelz.

Anyway I did 50% of the healing with 3 healers basically all the fights up to Ultraxion, where Shift threw a fit and left and we got that Albrightd paladin who was good. He said something about “of course you have top heals because of your gear” and I said I’d be top heals in normal gear and I’m only assuming he got upset. But he was often doing like 10k hps so whatever.

Sealan later reviewed Shifts spec and said some things were wrong, he was missing head/shoulder enchant, but said he should really be doing more healing than he is in that gear. I mentioned it in guild the next day and Scuba said “maybe he just doesn’t care”. Maybe, but I’m not raiding with people that don’t care enough to be good. You want to be bad, go do LFR.