
Can’t touch this

We raided Highmaul last night and I ended up with a new chest piece, ring, and gloves.  Being the only leather wearer has perks.

I also let Kuruha (Airsucker) try to solo me the other day.  He was sure he could.  But, it didn’t happen.


After at least 10 minutes (3 tree pops) I zipped out and used One With Nature to end it.

Dragonsoul 25m Heroic

I ran Dragon Soul the other night to get Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps (get it, DPS!) which I think looks lovely with my transmog.


Ravenshield helped me do that, and practically solo’d spine.  I died from 50% to dead in those tentacle stuns. Sigh.

That blood elf priest, Aerith something or other, keeps being an ass in Westfall.  I reported them last time for what I guessed was the following workflow a few months back.

Queue up a dungeon. Wait for it to pop.

Kill quest npcs, causing player to be flagged for pvp.

Immediately take dungeon queue.  Flag washes off.

Ditch dungeon (or bg), come back unflagged. Repeat.

Rejoice in the fact that no one can kill you unless super quick.


They were gone for a while, but I saw, and reported them again last night. They switched it up though.

Come to Westfall unflagged.

Penance Farmer Saldean to death.

IMMEDIATELY pop Spectral Guise (drops combat)

Immediately log out.


I’m still on the fence of the last step they are taking though.  I’m pretty sure it’s a log out, because I pounce/raked her the second she flagged and she didn’t die even with 3 other 90’s dog-piling on her, so I think it’s a force log of some sort.  She also doesn’t come back on kitty-radar after the duration of guise should be done.

You can kill the npcs all day long, that’s fine.  Just don’t be a shit and avoid punishment by flaking game mechanics. Even bubble-hearth or that invincibility talisman requires you hearth and spend travel time coming back. What this person is doing isn’t proper.


Highmaul LFR

First off, Ashran has been a lot of fun lately, now that the population has been balanced, and Alliance wins enough for me to cap that way.


Only apparently you need rep, for the first time ever since I’ve been playing (mid Wrath) to get the pieces with versatility, and I guess a recolor.  Why I don’t even know. Forcing people to do Ashran I guess, since there is no raid.

Speaking of raids, this was kind of amusing.  He’s swinging players around in that chain.



I ran that with Barnowl and we were done super quick.  Did not get any gear, though. Also working on my rogue look-alike transmog gear and had to laugh at these guys.



Building a Bridge with the Bodies

FINALLY got my flaming dagger from Firelands 25 heroic.



Now to work on a better off-hand.  I kind of like the evil book though.

Other than that, continuing to dominate Outlands, killing this guys monk several times, then his DK, then his hunter.  I switched to horde after, talked a whole bunch, and added a friend.





Some People Just Need Killing, Again

Did some soloing of raids the other night.  I did BoT, and man, the trash will kill you.  Have to clear it sometimes.


Also went exploring.  I believe this was called the Circle of Life out in Twilight Highlands.




Joined Barnowl for some  wpvp on the heavily Horde dominated server of Mal’ganis.  We killed them for a long time before they finally overwhelmed us.



And of course, ravaging Horde repeatedly in Halaa.





Also picked up a cool shoulder transmog for my hunter. Who, I’m tempted to bring back Alliance.
