

I’ll combine two days of quests here. I got to do battle with that giant turtle out in Hyjal


and had a fun quest where I got to bop a Twilight member over the head with a black jack or something like that.


A bit after that I get to talk to an outhouse, which made me giggle thinking of the one in Grizzly Hills, which is holding Ortell, some kind of spy. Anyway during some of the initiation rites, which included putting out the flames on other initiates before they burned literally to death (they will die if you aren’t fast), and killing detainees that didn’t hack it with the cult.


I also get to put on my ogre disguise, this time in an ogre outhouse, to kill one of the cultists and make the ogres take the blame for it.


I also get to fight a giant member of the legion, which I assume is the burning legion, from Outlands. Makes me want to kill that Pit Commander now.


and give a speech, which is done based on the reaction of the crowd to rescue Jarod Shadowsong.


and a show down happens between ah, this.. giant guy, and our giant ancient turtle friend.


I only took one shot of this, because I was fraps’ing it, but we had a showdown between Cenarius, Malfurion Stormrage (who had pretty cool magic going on) and a third I can’t recall with Ragnaros.


Then I went to Darkshire and did a bunch of quests, and a few things of note.  The quest with Stalvan Mistmantle, well he’s no longer just out of sight in his house, ready to pounce on your ass the second you walk in (aww).  You now summon him with a ring, and then there is a fight between him and his brother, who gets cursed into a worgen.  This is new to cata.


also Abercrombie the Embalmer, is no longer in that shack by the Darkened Bank (I think that’s it).  He’s very close to town in a broken down tower, and I am quite sad-faced to report that now when you give the notice to the mayor about Stitches coming to down, Stitches immediately spawns just outside the city hall, with Abercrombie riding on his shoulder, and the town is ablaze.  Wahhh!!  I am just glad I got to experience the original version, which was when Stitches spawned at the shack, the guards of the town ran down the roads to meet him, and he took a very long pathing clear across the map to get back to the town.


Oh how I remember seeing those yells and diving off the road when he came by! but but, he doesn’t do that now!  That whole sense of OMG SOMETHING IS COMING is lost.  However, I understand why they did it, any higher level in the area would kill Stitches way before he got to town and sort of ruin it.  But man, that was epic.

Also the bad assed house that held Morbent Fel, no longer has him, just his hat.  That was probably my most epic, first time memory, of getting close to that house, the very air going dark around it, running up the stairs, and getting rofflestomped by a wizard with a shield on.  Scared the crap out of me. Unfortunately for that guy, instead of a wizard looking fellow, he now has a lich model.   He still has the shield but it looks silly because it doesn’t quite cover him, and he’s been put down in the crypt and you have to pass a level 25 elite just to get to him, through a ton of other mobs.   So, um, I don’t really get that change.

Mor’ladim has stayed the same as far as I could tell though.

After that ran a Twin Peaks already in progress and won, then won a IoC. Lost and won TB a few times.

Whitemane Transmog

On my quest to pick up gear that looks like Whitemane’s, I do a literal quest and get to control a smaller Fel Reaver out in Shadowmoon Valley.  Fortunately for me, I had never finished these quests, or I would have thrown or sold the gear off long ago.


I also do a quest, and, I can’t believe I totally forgot the naga where all over Outland too.


and help rescue water elementals that they are torturing, along with some earth orc looking lady.  Why do I have to help horde sometimes? I don’t get it.   I pick up the gloves and bracers I need out here.

Then I head out to Tirisfal Glade, but before I get that far I am distracted by the Plaguelands, which I never finished before Cata, and pick up some quests from Thassarian, and end up fighting this guy, who is low level but still shows as ??? to me.  I get strangled up into the air, and Thassarian and Koltira come to save me.


This is the guy back from the DK quests I did on my BE DK.  Rawr


These two have some words about no longer being brothers as DKs and all, and he makes his stand as Alliance and Koltira as horde.  Then Thassarian whispers to me “You are not to speak to ANYONE about the agreement that was made today, Elleria.  Consider this an order from your direct superior.”.  Well, I’m not a DK, so really he’s not in charge of me.  But hey! I’d like to see two DKs fight again, like when Darion fought Orbaz.

Cute Hyjal Quests

Today I quested more in Hyjal, which led me to a giant evil looking turtle….


and to a good version of one…


which I’m sure is tied up in some old world lore about a turtle carrying the earth or something


and I got to hover up all god-like and talk to a glowing ball thing, and wow never noticed the trees look female here.


and this escort quest, freaking ADORABLE.

I run off to do arena with Leonz, and we only lost twice, and once was because he had to go afk at the start of the fight, so we got rolled.  I picked up my Vicious boots though.  I also respec’d, shamelessly copying Rayslayz talents, since smite healing was not working at all.  We capped quickly, and had some good fights.

Ocyla the Ghoul

We had Frmunda log in, left guild, and log out at record speed today.

Besides that, last night I ran a daily dungeon with Maice and per usual we got… yes, Deadmines.  At the end I died since I didn’t run away, and this time he turned me into a ghoul thing, which I’ve never had happen to me before.  We had talked about this being what a DKs Brez would be, since having a druid like version of it would be unfair.


Then I went back to Hyjal to pick up on some of my quests, and fought the dragon Sethria


I probably could have killed her myself at this level, but I did use the signal to summon a bunch of druids in their cheating flight form to help me kill her.

Later I went on to do the arial jousting, and seriously? Someone has been playing NES Joust, haven’t they?


The flying was difficult both because jousting in 360 degrees is a problem in general, but having to constantly pump what was my C keybind, was difficult.  But I got an achievement and a pet out of it.

And this, this, you cannot get more cute.


I’m holding one bear cub while another peeks out of the tree, then you get to throw them on a trampoline (or not) but you only get credit if they land safe.

On a side note, I checked my horde and got a message back from Rayslayz, and now I have his alliance rogue on my friends list.

The raid was cancelled tonight so I did more quests in Hyjal, finally hit exalted with them, and then ran Throne of Tides with Leonz, then ran a fail TB and ran into Rexe and had some fun killing horde… for fun.

Joyride on a rogue

So as I’ve been mentioning in my Ocyla thread, I have been being a “traitor” talking to Ladiesman through this character.  Today though, I caught him at the mailbox.


and after much discussion in unlimited white chat, we take a ride.


and head to this mode of transportation, WHICH IS AWESOME!!


and I get the Joy Ride achievement after taking several trips just for the fun of it.


then I take my traitorous leave and head to TB where I’m back to trying to kill all horde XD