

Finished up the chain of Deepholm quests, and ran the dailies for Therazane.


Ran TB twice today as attacking and did not take it.  During one of the battles, a worgen named Shíggles starts carrying on about how TB is so easy to take, I say it’s not, in raid, and they decide to take the convo to pm’s.  Basically we’re in agreement that you need a coordinated group of people, preferably on voice comm, to take TB.  What I disagree on is that is it NOT EASY.  It’s not easy because even amounts of people have uneven jobs.  The defenders with 50 people need to only keep one base.  The attackers with 50 people (for example) have to take and keep THREE BASES.  That, is not easy.  Add to the fact that you are running around with people who may not be in pvp gear, probably not with the ideal amount of healers, with various people attempting to lead, and other lack of communication, it is NOT EASY.

But to me, bringing 50+ people that work well together, in itself, is not considered “easy”.  They then ask if I’ve heard of Rogue’s Vent, which no I have not.  Rather than telling me what that is they keep expressing shock and awe that I haven’t heard of it. I couldn’t find a thing on it, and they gave me the wrong url for it 3 times, only then could I locate anything about it.  I was willing to go into vent and speak about this more, but shortly after I kept saying their vent link didn’t work, they asked me to stop pming them and I said fine.

I mean, if it takes that much coordination and everyone in a vent server, I’ll do it.  But that, people, is not easy.

I’m a manataur!

Haven’t had much to report lately.  The mage I disliked in Relentless is in this guild now, I ran a bunch of heroics to get my awesome “white wizard” helmet, and I spent time farming herbs a lot.  I LOL’d at this part in Uldum and started doing quests there


then went back to Deepholm to try to pick up on my quests there to work on Therazane rep.


Ran a TB battle where I tried to defend the South Spire, but the way the siege vehicles work is considerably different than in WG.  In there, one person could break the siege up in and the person driving it had to stay in it for it to move.  In TB you need 2-3 people beating on it for a good minute or so AND the driver can set it to attack a spire, hop out and defend it while the siege is still attacking the spire.  I agree with them having more health, but geez. A full double set of my normal shadow attacks barely got the thing to 85% health.

Ran a battle with Janusz and it’s really, really frustrating how many damn healers horde rolls with.  I think we were fighting against a rogue, 2 priests, and 2 paladins, all just healing, healing, healing.  I do enjoy smite healing even in pvp though.

Later on I ran battlegrounds by myself and we lose (gilneas), lose (strand), win (Twin Peaks), lose (AV). When someone says in battleground “I don’t want to do this any more” I totally agree.

Assholes in full effect

Hit TB to do the dailies, and man, the asshole were in full effect today.  I call out if anyone wants to group for the dailies, no takers.  I run up to kill Largo and there’s already a stack of people waiting.  I invite the alliance standing around, and miss the spawn 3x as the horde get to it first.  A flagged horde shaman, by the name Ukku I believe, who I see a lot in pvp comes up and I kill them.  They come right back and blast me off the tower, and throwing levitate throws me so far out in the water I hit Fatigue and it takes a good 30 seconds of running back to clear it.  Fing shamans.  By then my party had all ditched me.

Back up in the tower I invite a shaman named Jenesis, a paladin, and another person.  While I’m waiting on like, the 6th spawn on this mob, a dwarf hunter I did not see takes it from us, and when I /say GOD DAMN IT they say something about people being assholes and how I should have invited them. DICK.   I did not see the damn obscured SMALL DWARF behind the giant Draenei paladin I had invited.  I reply “I did not see you little dwarf” but he assholes down the stairs.

The other players ditch after that and I asked Jenesis if they wanted to continue the rest of the quests, and they do.


We get to talking about raids, arena, pvp, etc and I end up making a friend. They say they have a rogue main and their husband plays a paladin.  My two favorite classes!

Tailoring CDs

Fished up enough food for my priest to last, a while, I hope (2 stacks) then went to TB to fish up Fathom Eels for when I get that recipe.

I made half of my cloth and created the haste epic pants for my priest, and the powerful spellthread and sent them off. I still have 2 more cloths to make since I did not have the fire and earth volatiles to make those. Farming enough really stinks.

I then did CoC with Bobby, Leonz, Hatestoheal, and a random tank, though the weapon I already have is just as good. I went off to fish in the fire pools near Lord Canon but they spawn slowly so I gave up after a while. I got enough earth and made one of the Dreamcloths. The cool down on this is quite frustrating, I’ve had 525 tailoring for like a month and a half now, and only made 1 belt, and 3 pairs of pants. That barely keeps my two characters equipped much less the other people that want stuff made.

I dislike Stonecore

Did all the quests in Tol Barad today and got the 100 quests in Tol Barad achievement.  And I must say, they need to do something about that shark, Tank, when doing the quest for the rum barrels.  He killed me twice, and there wasn’t really anything I could do about it, since he swims directly in the area where all the barrels spawn.

I get in a Heroic Stonecore, and we die, and die, and die.  Oh and we die.  The paladin and I took out Slabhide alone, at the end, though. The paladin didn’t know the last two fights, so that was fantastic.


He was a good sport and didn’t leave though, so , thanks guy.


However after about 3 more wipes on Ozruk, the tank said he was lagging and presumably relogged, and the group kicked him with a quickness. I crack a joke about that, since skeletons all over the ground just cry failure.


We got a druid tank who does well, but most of us die on the boss and I give up. I do buy my new shoulders, gem and enchant them and log off.  Sort of sadfaced Jan wasn’t around to arena, since I would have rather done that.