

Last night I did almost nothing but queue up for dungeons.  I got in at the last boss in the Stonecore, finished it no problem and got the achievement.  Now I say, no problem, but the fights still require a high amount of healing, and I did die once when no one was getting the masses of cultist adds off me, which appear to be designed to run straight to the healer.  I’m not geared up for defense and survivability on my PVE disc spec.


I get Vortex Pinnacle, then Stonecore full run, then Vortex again.  At that point I am rather exhausted from the demanding healing required now, and pick up on my quests in Vashj’ir.


I get this funny little hat which attracts monsters in the Underlight area, which is beautiful as I have noted before.  I finished a few quests down there for that upside down dwarf we met earlier, and hit 83.  I head back to Stormwind, learn some more alchemy potions, repair my gear, learn Inner Will, put some stuff in the guild bank and my bank, etc.  I group up with Janusz again only we cannot queue for pvp together now because of the level difference. Ugh.  I really don’t know how people got to 85 in 6 hours.  I expect it to take me at least another week to get to 85, if not longer.

Going down

Last night Janusz offered to help me find the entrances to the new dungeons and I accepted.

This is us in Theramore, with me under the effect of a new potion that randomly gives you a disguise of other classes, even horde, even male. I liked this one a lot.


We queue up together for one of the new instances, and I take a split second off healing to take a shot of this boss, and his tornados! Pretty cool!


the healing involved is very hard, very intense, and although I do not lose anyone at one point nearly everyone was down to like 5% hp.  There was just no healing fast enough without carefully watching mp amounts too.  Speaking of, these sparklies hurt A LOT. Just massive amounts of AOE damage, constantly.  I get a blue weapon in here that is an upgrade over my Frozen Bonespike purple (cries).


and this is Thrall gone hippy, but wow, just amazing to look down onto this.


and I fly down into it


and then I am down in Deepholm.


Then we queue together for AV, where I get into a battle in raid chat over why Alliance keeps “wasting time” in mid.  I point out that like 20 horde are in mid and you can’t run past even if you wanted to.  People say smart ass things like “go around then” clearly not seeing that mountains prevent that on both sides, to which someone smartly asks how one would go past through mountains.  I say that these geniuses will surely tell us how, because I am too stupid to run over a mountain apparently.  We end up losing and a die a lot, so mp amount isn’t much of a concern. I log for the night.


I FINALLY get that blasted naga quest done.  None of the comments on wowhead, helped at all.  The problem was, they tell you to defend the bridge, and there is only one doorway, so naturally one would assume you need to go out that door and defend THAT bridge.  No, you have to go out that door, travel completely around to the side of the thing where there is no door, and fight with the naga there.  Maybe I’m just stupid, but it makes little sense to direct a players attention to the open door where attackers are streaming in, then expect them to head away from that to another area.


Maice helped me with that one.  A lot of people you ask are fond of saying “read the quest” but good pointers involve catching and explaining things that may be overlooked.

After that I get to take my trip on the submarine, after being briefly on the surface…


and witnesss a CRAZY battle with a freakishly large octopus thing which I gape at and hit print screen far too late.  It was amazing in full motion.


and this well, this is just an extremely rare sighting of a FEMALE DWARF.


and going along those lines, this is just a funny dwarf displaying usual humorous dwarven dialog. Which, yes, I didn’t save but I’m sure it’s on [url=]wowhead[/url].


Naga stole my bike

This morning I got nowhere with that naga quest again, because other players kept killing the mobs before they went anywhere.  I gave up and went out herbing, then decided to go find some dungeon entrances so maybe I can actually do one. I find the Throne of Tides since I’m in the area. My gut feeling earlier to jump in the vortex was right apparently.


I queue for for Throne of Tides and about 15 mins later I get in.


It is BEAUTIFUL.  Again, still shots really don’t do it justice, and later on there is a movie sequence.


Though I will point out, when Lady Naz’jar yells out “Meddlesome gnats! you think us defeated so easily!”… Blood Queen in ICC says the same thing nearly word for word.  And the last  boss, is clearly, clearly a poke at  BP with the nasty oily filth pouring down staining the NPC you have to protect.


We do pretty well, for a first go, but there are deaths all around. I died once, the rogue, the shaman, basically everyone but the tank died at least once. I RIP through my mp now like nobodies business.  I am going to HAVE to start using the regular Heal spell, as renew is too pricey, and Flash heal, geez.  Flash is 2k mp and heals for around 10k (I have 45k right now), Heal cost about 700 and heals for 5,550, and Greater Heal costs 2k mp and heals for about 15k.  And the heals are all base amounts, no crits, buffs,  and gear figured in.  Oh and renew costs 1400 roughly and heals for around 1800 every 2.5 seconds for 12 seconds.

I think after this little dungeon I’m going to move Renew to where I had Psychic Scream, since I really only need that on my PVP/soloing spec, put Heal where Renew was, and start using Greater Heal a lot more.

I’m sort of afraid to see how pvp is going to roll.

Anyway I came out of that encounter with a new cloak (i level 308), a new ring (308) and a new trinket (308).  This takes up my average item level to 282.


The dilemma I am running into now, is the quests are so good, so many of them, that it is hard to do them and post what I find is interesting.  Because, it’s all interesting! So! Here are some I took earlier today.

This picture I am in a creature named Nespirah, which seems related to Cruma’s in Lineage 2 only this one is actually alive.  I head inside of it with someone from the Earthen Ring and we note there are slaves mining pearls.


One string of quests involved me saving the slaves, by grabbing them with this rope and slinging them back to me.  This is one mid-swing XD


and I’d like to point out, that screenshots rarely does this game justice, you have to see it in full motion to really get the best view of it.

After several more quests we trap a crab that is used to communicate with this giant creature.


Off to save it, I head near the top of it to beat a boss there, and run into a dwarf hunter named Berzer who invites me to party so we can both get it.  So nice! After the boss is destroyed, the creatures inner… blobs? form up to beat the naga inside.  It’s very Avatar.


Some other cute quests involved coating the divers with protective chemicals taken from the anemone’s  which attracts pet fish to them…


a quest where I can be a naga and see their viewpoint of some things…


and meet their queen


and help defend their area from vrykul looking guys. And while I was off doing some other quests after that, bad timing strikes the safe house I was helping protect.


I hit 82 shortly after this, and equip the necklace Stout made me, and replace 2 purple epics with…. greens. Sob!

Later that night I try to finish off the Final Judgment quest, but it appears that since the other players aren’t doing it right, the timer keeps resetting.  That or I am not doing it right.  On Wowhead it says to stay by the npcs, but I parked at the NPCs for like 20 minutes and didn’t get anywhere. The timer only shows up if you leave the building, even just slightly past it, but resets constantly, and if you are IN the building the mobs just spawn forever.

While that is going on my new guild is trying to find a healer for the Blood Ring thing, but the required level is 84 and I’m still 82.  I get a slightly sinking feeling about being excluded because of my level, thinking back to being 77 while all the 78+’s in Lineage 2 got to exp and party on Hellbound while I was left out, for months.  Fortunately I should hit the proper levels here, probably within the week. It’s not a good feeling to be left out soley on a level or 2 though.

A guild member, Dontpuntme sends me 3 stacks of Cinderbloom, of which I’ve found none yet, so I sent them all the Volatile Life I had, which they needed.  I had 9 at the time.  Apparently they are going for 30g per on the AH.