
Queued, please wait? Since when?

Logged in and I still have zero add ons and not even the add ons tab.  I try to queue for WG and it says something about how I’ve been queued and please wait, which I’ve never seen before.  When the battle starts it gives me the please wait again.  I dequeued and queued again, same thing please wait.  I went to the WG npc and tried to queue, and please wait.


Well, that guy won’t let me queue so I run off the fly there, only 2 mins in the Horde already has 5 vehicles, already has 2 walls down.  Rexe pm’s me and asks if the battle is going on and I say yes but the queue isn’t working and he says he’s “OMW”.  Shortly after they take the fort since we had roughly 10 people in raid.  Total, BS.

There is some discussion in trade about who makes Goblin Rocket Fuel and, thanks to Arashikage who gave me the recipe, I link it from Alchemy.  Apparently there is none on the AH, so I take the required Fireblooms out of my bank, then head to Stranglethorn Vale to farm the Volative Rum needed to make it.


the drop rate is abysmal, I killed at least 20 mobs with nothing.  I get around 3 after switching to the other beach area but that still takes around 30 mobs. Ugh.  It’s like farming in L2 again.

I notice one of the rifts out here, for  some reason, and iI see a Bloodsail Swashbuckler start attacking the mobs.  Kind of funny!  I have to AOE the mobs to kill them all at once to break the rift.


which then leaves behind a Mysterious Device.  After farming the booze for a while, I head back to SW and see it’s selling for 1g per, which totally isn’t worth it.  Upset at my add ons I delete all the add ons and reload everything, and now everything is happy again and loading.  And Quartz is remembering where I saved it last.  Awesome!

Now that WG has been made even on both sides now, no one will have tenacity any more.  To prove this I kill a blood elf paladin named Sevuf (ooh, another handsome red head)  and shortly after, a horde priest whose name I did not catch, solo.


I get myself killed multiple times making stabs at breaking down their vehicles, disc spec or no, and healing up other Alliance.  East is a bad place to be and I die oh, many times.  I mention this horde death pit in raid.

Unfortunately even though I said East was a bad place to go, Alliance rolls several sieges through there which are busted up by all the horde I said were there, and the breach clear through to the inner CY from west that someone else announced, is totally ignored and we LOSE.  I foresee us losing a lot.

Later I run my dungeon which is CoS, AGAIN.


Today I grab some quests I missed last night, then head to the front of Stormwind where I’m in charge of checking over citizens papers.  The announcements by the guards, and the comments by all the people remind me quite a bit about the security fuss we’ve been going through in the US (and other places I’m sure) for a while now.


Once in a while people get escorted out. I search my 5 people, while the other citizens continue to complain and the guards threaten with time in the stockades.


and this guy turns up a Suspicious Note and gets carted off.


and the NOTE!


I also read my decree from the King to the annoyed people,  about trying to protect against dangerous cultists. I love this game.

I head back to the Recruiter and now I get to arrest people, awesome!  I nab my first one who was in SW in a stealth mode by a purple candle. Now hilariously followed by 5 of them,


I set off to the Stockades.


Then I head in to question them.


They just backsass that there is nothing we can do about any of this. I put on my disguise again and use the book at the altar, which opens the portal to summon the elementals on the city.  Well, no wonder it was so bad last night! I then get sent out to read the word in the city, which the cultists were doing when I arrested them earlier, but I get to read them BADLY. Excellent! 😀

Back in town the raid I did last night is in full swing again. I get my ass handed to me by the elements and die. I really don’t think I want to rez right now.


I healed for a while but after a point I ran in an abandoned building to wait it out. When the NPCs returned I head out to do some interrupting and bad reading.



After I turn in that quest it’s back to the tram to IF.  What is Haggle doing digging through the trash, by the way? I go turn in my quest and take a break.

Later I log in and my add ons are all not working.  I need them to heal, well, I mean I can heal WITHOUT them but it makes life harder.  I try out the default raid frames on a EotS and it’s ok but I really want my x perl working.  We win! I log out.


My de-friended friend Soulprince messages me and asked if I want to heal a ICC 25.  I already have one scheduled, plus my raid frames are broken so I say I can’t.  This guy never messages just to say hi, it’s always to go do something, so I guess the friend removal was a good idea.

Invasion in Stormwind

Logged in and WG was just starting, hopped on that right away.  Horde were overpowered as usual with their bullcrap tenacity, and I had another Alliance player point out that they were getting killed by a rogue and I just healed the “other guy”.  I was like uh yeah we had 2 people fighting a OP shaman and OP spriest, so at least one of you were going to die.   The person commenting had TWO funny symbols in their name so I pretty much ignored them after that.

I help kill a blood elf paladin by the name of Garrspally and blow a kiss before they hit the ground.  Later this same paladin runs into me and smacks me with Avenger’s Shield for 5k, fury for 1k, but he dies again anyway. The guy is running around in blues, at least according the wowarmory, so that explains some of it.  We win fairly easily.  I go do the Fueling the Demolishers quest.


Bored, I head out to farm herbs but it seems a lot of people are doing that as well, so I pick up a quest in Scholazar Basin from the Mark’s Overlook. I return the key to the chest, get my reward and 12 g.


WG is up again and the horde are determined to get it, both by throwing lots of people at Sunken, and defending their vehicles the entire way. I do VERY little healing and mostly spend my time trying to kill vehicles. I show up as ending with 817 for dps even!


We win, barely.  Next fight we’ll probably lose it.

Later I get in and queue for for a BG, and get WSG.  The horde, I’m sorry (not really) are really, really bad.  I even get a chance to dps a bit.  I run down the tunnel to our base and resist 3-4 horde, then survive a run through the flag room….


then all the way down the other tunnel, outside, and ’round and ’round until I nearly run out of MP, without dying at all, and we win! I have top honor as well.


I even had a killing blow, that’s hilarious!

Afterwards I put on PVE gear and ask if anyone in guild needs their daily dungeon.  No response. Sigh. I PUG that.  I get VH which I try to liven up by DPSing a bit. During the water boss someone acts stupid and throws the switches when the bubbles AREN’T out causing the party extra unnecessary damage.

Someone in guild begins complaining at the Call to Arms winning battlegrounds aren’t giving enough exp.  I say it should give 2-3 bars and they say that doesn’t seem like enough.  2-3 bars for not that much work at 77 is plenty.  Gosh people are spoiled.

Queued up for WG and saw the Westpark spam, and went to find a shadow priest named Antigank there. We whomped on each other for a while until she runs off and flies away. She says something in orcish which is “throm’ka” but I don’t believe there is a translation for that.  Either way, I made HER leave.

I run WG and run into Rexe and Nilvana.  The horde have something like 16 stacks of tenacity and are 2 shotting people, but we end up destroying them back to their base anyway and win big time. I haven’t been able to get a VOA 10 all week and tonight seems like no exception.

Before I log I head to town where an invasion is supposed to start.  The guards yell for people to flee the town.


You can barely see the streets for all the people there. It indeed turns dark and stormy, my screen nearly goes white from the lightning and storm mobs start spawning. We’re supposed to place sandbags around the town, and kill the portals and elementals spawning.


Once that is over, which was pretty cool, we queue up for the fire boss which I missed the quest on, and didn’t get close enough to screenshot.

Then the water boss.


Then some dragon.


and air. And yes the King of Stormwind fights in two of these, prrrow!


All in all, REALLY fun,and a bit of a challenge as far as healing goes. I get complimented on my healing on one run even, because these guys dished out a lot of damage and had some troublesome freezing skills, tornadoes and such.


Oh and yes, I love Varian Wyrnn XD

Dance of Joy

Back in Mirror Lake Orchard I start talking to the Cultists trying to find missing family members.  I tell I talk to Cultist Wyman and tell him his family is worried and wants him to come back to Stormwind. He refuses stating he’s on the path to ascension.  Maybe they are serving Kool aid?

I’m having trouble locating some Cultists so I /target them and use Mind Vision to look around. Here’s me using it on Kaima. I’m in the back upper right.

Kaima doesn’t wish to return either. There is another cultist just outside the house that Lethelyn was in. She at least has the grace to burst into tears over the fight she had with her family over the cult. Back to Stormwind Keep Anton says there is nothing we can do to convince the cultists otherwise, and says that Cho’Gall is in charge of the cult, and it has to be Twilight’s Hammer. I don’t recall that particular lore. This explains all the devices all over town though, if I got some many other people did too and not all undercover. I find a device and it spawns a storm mob!

The Stormwind Guards just watch me kill it though and do not help. After I kill 5 I return to Anton and he worries that people will abandon the Light for promises of power and immortality. Now I get to speak to the King, prrrrow. Waiting for people to move so I can take a shot takes a while.

Wait, what? I get a party?

And now we are so happy, we do the Dance of Joy!

I stop being a jerk, sometimes

Decided to pop on my mage and go out mining, though I did my fishing daily first, which launched the poison and recipe quests as well, lucky day!

When I go to turn in my fishing quest, I see a male blood elf PRIEST, probably the first one I’ve ever seen.  I must have made it obvious that I was looking at them because they wave to me, so I wave back and blow a kiss.

While I’m out mining I notice that when Orgims Hammer and the Skybreaker pass each other, they fire back and forth.

I spent some time killing their NPCs.

I run out of MP trying to kill this guy though, tried it three times and I’d run out of mp both times with about 10% hp left. Bummer.  I wonder if this guy is named after the Davos in the Song of Ice and Fire books since he’s on a boat and all.

I stop being a jerk, since no horde are coming to defend, and head back to mining.  Afterwards I head back to Dal, clean up some bags and realize I have TWO full bags just of old gear.  Eeesh.  I need to do something about that.  I smelt the saronite to send to Ocyla to transmute, then queue up for WG. It tells me to wait. Sigh.  I do not get in.

I then head to Stormwind to check out the new gear vendors. Yes, this stuff is way better than my epic gear is now.  Too bad it requires level 85. Damn.  Going back to wearing blues will be humbling.

I put in for a Character Recustomization to have my name changed to Elleria, which took me like 4 days to come up with since everything else I could think of was already taken.

I run WSG and we lose, I end up with 7 killing blows, 41 HK’s and 49 whole honor. I also get the Not In My House achievement.

Later I run WG and, I’m sorry, but what the fuck?  The horde gets like 5 vehicles in the first 5 minutes, rolls through the keep and wins it in under 7 minutes.  How the hell do they get vehicles so fast?  And I’m not talking catas, they had a demo rolling out within the first 3 mins of it starting, HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?  They had 2 sieges and another demo (because I broke the first) within 2 mins of that.  When we’re attacking in WG I can’t rank up fast enough to get anything but a cata.

Of course since there were no alliance at the keep other than 1 other and myself, who knows, it may have been a bunch of horde alts farming HK’s.  I’m mad.  We only had 6 people this raid, at prime time, that’s sad.  I logged out pretty ticked.