Tag Archive | Dungeons

Ooh Lprime and Arashikage takes me places

It appears that items you can use (when the gears show up) bug out the game currently. Someone put down a Great Feast in EotS and soon as I clicked on it the game froze up.  The same thing happened when I merely mouse-overed a flag in WSG.  I queued up for a dungeon and the lack of tanks is being felt when I had to wait 6 minutes for a group.  Normally on a healer it’s more or less instant.  We get Oculus and before I can move I hit something with the “gears” again and lock up solid.  I bomb out and try to get back in and a patch starts loading, and by the time I get back to my dungeon I’ve been kicked out and have the deserter debuff. Sigh.

I queue up again and this time get Halls of Stone.  I don’t have a chance to take too many pictures because the damage being done is high, and I finally notice half way through the run that Lprime is the tank.

Lprime, a paladin,  use to be in a hard core guild called Obsolete, the elite kind of guild that has done all the content in 10 man, 25 man, both normal and heroics and then sold Lich King kills for huge amounts of gold.  He’s a bit of a trade chat whore as I understand too.  I ran with him on Ruby Sanctum 10 man once when he was healing.  The whole run goes well other than Lprime using the rocket booster to run way ahead of everyone but I manage to catch up in time.

After that I went with Arashikage to Blackrock Depths (BRD) then to Molten Core (MC) which is an old time raid.  It reminds me a bit of Forge of the Gods in Lineage 2.

The only boss that gets us is this one, since I went shadow spec.  I went back to disc healing and it went fine.

These guys I recognize from old Dark Legacy comics. ([url=http://www.darklegacycomics.com/28.html]DLC Vocab[/url])

Then the final boss, who I find quite impressive to look at!

and this weapon I absolutely remember from this comic! ([url=http://www.darklegacycomics.com/22.html]DLC Ninja Loot[/url])

I pick up a few items that I am told were Tier 2, and I get the Molten Core achievement.  Woo!

Yeah I’m a baddie who needs add-ons

Well now.  Despite what stupid people are saying in trade chat, I am at quite the loss on mass healing without my Xperl raid frames.  People seem to think frames or healbot heals FOR YOU and it doesn’t, it just improves the interface so you can easily see 5 to 25 OR MORE players hp bars in one convenient, customizable interface. It’s not the L2 kind of botting.

Hopefully that will get updated in a few days.

In the meantime I manage to run Drak’Tharon Keep.  The damage of the party overall is still way out of line of the bosses, and we kill the final boss (the one below is the second, Novos the Summoner) when still shape shifted into skeletons.  I’ve never seen that happen before.

I try running a battleground afterwards and get WSG, which is constantly available probably from people testing their skills and interfaces.  I give up though for a number of reasons, mostly because the hp bars aren’t working, my raid frames aren’t working, and the built in heal-bot like health frames appear to be non-customizable and visually aren’t working for me.  That and a Horde shadow priest and a frost mage were able to kill me repeatedly, even though I could not see them, at the graveyard (GY).  Spells appeared to be cast from nothing.

I think other than running my daily I’ll have to cut back playing to farming herbs until they get stuff fixed up a bit.

Why does the cat lady have a cleaver?

This morning I note with some horror that I’ve never completed the map of the area around Stormwind, as I head out to the cat lady’s house to get a few cat carriers.

So um.  Why does a lady with a house full of cats stand around holding a bloody cleaver?

Anyway I clear out the blank areas and get the Exploring Elwynn Forest achievement.  Also I’d like to note that last night I picked up the Sliver of Pure Ice trinket and Scourgelord’s Baton.

I queue for for a random and get Culling of Strathholme (CoS).

This goes awry when the tank wants to take on the timed boss and Malganis at the same time.  Unfortunately someone didn’t talk to Arthas to get him to under the gate area so when the tank runs in with the time dragon we can’t start the other fight too.  We burn down that boss then they run back to get Arthas, only he’s way way back at the end of that inn you run through.  I was still waiting just before the last boss with the shaman so the rest of the party starts going down. I attempt to run through the massive trash that has respawned and die quickly despite shield and mending set up.

Before I can run back to the last boss they engage it and with the shaman healing they get it down.  The tank, a paladin (Sargeros-Ravencrest) asks if I got my badge or not, I say yes.  He said he was willing to requeue with me if I had missed it.  Aw, so very nice.  Love paladins!

I finally replace my PVP cloak with a PVE one, Volde’s Cloak of the Night Sky. I run a WG afterwards since it starts shortly. Oh also? This guy? Best name combo EVER, I told him so in a whisper XD

40g a run, right

Ran EotS and the horde raped us all the way back to the first spawn zone, and since you have to fall down to get anywhere, they just destroyed us each time. I just sat down and waited out the inevitable win on their part.  I’m fairly certain the horde runs full premade groups in Eye of the Storm because they do this often.

I then get WSG and despite being brutally taken to task by several Horde rogues repeatedly we win and I get the Warsong Expendience achievement.

For the last BG I get Alterac Valley which I dislike for both its size (you can run for like 2 minutes straight and not find anyone) and it’s length (battles can go on for hours it seems).

This one we also end up getting absolutely destroyed back to our starting spawn point and it just stays bad like that until we lose. I really hate AV.

I cool my jets in WG where we destroy Horde wee wee wee all the way home. I am happy again! I get mail from someone who wanted me to make them an Elixir of Minor Fortitude, create the items and mail them back.  There is a great deal more of trust in this game, that’s for sure.  I log out.

At night I log in and queue for my daily dungeon.  I get Halls of Reflections, oh I groan.  The ground inside is already littered with bones of failure and I’m told they’ve already gone around a few healers.  Fantastic.

We wipe 2x on trash for reasons I don’t have time to see but it seemed to be mostly dps related as the priest is doing 3100, the rogue 3100, the boomkin 2800 and the tank 1705.  So that explains a lot of it.  I am healing more than I do on heroic ICC let me put it that way. I tell them “last try” since I’m wasting Firecracker Salmon and reagents all over the place and what do you know we hit the first boss.

then the second, and start the gauntlet. I never really noticed Jaina is rocking an ice mage’s shield here.

We barely make it through running away from the Lich King, and I had to pop Divine Hymn but we do in fact make it. I pat myself on the back.

The Skybreaker shows up and we get our loot.  I go run for repairs that run me 47g. Lovely.  If only that PoS group yesterday had actually paid me 40g huh?

Poor Martin Victus

I log in and stand around in town a bit seeing what raids are going on.  I already did VOA 10/25 which I verified on my in game calendar which tracks such things.   I’d like to do Ruby Sanctum (RS) but the only group looking for (LF) people wants the achievement linked, which I have on Silver but not the priest.

Arashikage is the only friend online and we jabber on about expansion changes. I see someone offering 40g for someone to heal Pit of Saron (PoS).  The RS person is being very specific on wanting a SHAMAN healer too, nothing else. Bleh. I decide to offer to heal in the PoS group as I have nothing else going on. We’re still at the mercy of a tank queuing up though so we have to wait quite a bit.  Of course, quite a bit in WoW is like, 10 minutes maybe. I remember to put on my Wyrmrest Accord tabard so I can level up rep for them. Average wait time shows 16 damn minutes for PoS, omg what did I get myself into! (I didn’t get 40g btw)

The ready check comes up but a tank declines it so we’re back to waiting again. I hate that. We get in and we pull too much and I die right away and obviously with no heals everyone dies.

There is the usual WHO PULLED THAT??? in party chat and I say that it came up behind us, which is no ones fault other than people not clearing roaming mobs.

Other than that little mess, the rest of the dungeon goes smoothly, very much so. Even the run through the tunnel with the ice falling on our heads is no problem. Of course, I do rock at healing.

We hit sexy voiced Scourgelord Tyrannus and he goes down fairly easy…

…other than the hunter continuing to dps during Overlord’s Brand and nearly killing the tank.  This was the same hunter who got himself killed during Ick and Kricks Poison Nova too though. He was clearly noobish besides all that, coming in with 2449 dps, on par with the tank with the rogue doing 5455 and other hunter 6915.

And alas we lose poor poor Martin Victus to a sneak attack by that sand paper voiced Sindragosa.

Run dude run!

I then queue up for WG and turns out the whole guild that is online is there too. I pop on my PVP gear using Equipment Manager.


It’s nearly impossible to pvp heal and take screenshots, I mean you’d need a video to see how awesome I heal.  Still at one point I run to Sunken and find a lone warlock fighting a GOD DAMN boomkin and catch him just just before he dies, THEN the calvary tromps in and beats the horde right out of the area. So very much win!

At a IRL lunch today Maice said he could use some Flasks of Endless Rage and since I have way too many I mail him 20.  Gotta keep your tanks happy or nobody gets to do anything!

I queue up for a random battleground and get Isle of Conquest again, yay! I die pretty quick though since a ton of horde were at the gates already.

I can tell this is going to go well when I get sapped by a rogue (probably an UNDEAD ONE) and the alliance around me actually notices and starts spraying spells around trying to knock them out of stealth.  I love you people really!

I get some more thanks for the awesome healing, which I get fairly often, and we win! I pick up the Mine achievement. I like sorting by healing done  😀


I am full up on playing today so I log for the night.