Tag Archive | Arena

Just the Two of Us

Today was pretty good on the battleground scene, won a WSG so good we had horde camped at their GY


Then when Acks was not available to do 2’s when he originally said he would, I picked up Alexmx and OMFG FINALLY “JUST THE TWO OF US 1550”


It’s rather depressing it took me this long but partners were so random and repeatedly just stopped logging in, so yeah omg I’m thrilled!

Tharus beat my ass

I moved my shaman into Relentless, which was my first ever guild, since I have a permanent spot with them DS 10 raiding now and I know people would not rather give gear to a “pug”.  We did the first 2 bosses ok and I won a new necklace, but the third we had bad healing problems.  The priests top heal was flash heal, and I focused them one fight and that’s all I saw going off during tank healing, and I assume shields in between.  We had a talk afterwards where I suggested talent and reforge changes, and I guess we’ll have to wait until the next raid to talk about healing rotation more and skill usage. They were only putting out around 12k heals as it was, and the grouping up damage parts we were failing something fierce on. I was doing around 22k.

Anyway I did 2’s with the hunter again and it went a little better this time.  I ran into Tharus during one match, with a rshaman.  He beat my ASS too, it was kind of funny.  Now I know what Ladiesman was talking about when he says he sometimes loses by underestimating a player.  That’s exactly what I did.  I then got asked by


Leudraenei (I’m sure I spelled that wrong) to do RBGs with Ilikeanimals, but when they kept spamming for a resto shaman I said I had one with 4569 resil and switched to that instead.

We won 1, lost 2.  Both losses from pretty stupid mistakes.  The first loss I take responsibility for, though I still honestly have no idea how it happened.  We were in Twin Peaks in the alliance base (as horde) and I was nowhere near where the flag was, I was across the room near the back, and I noticed I had the flag.  I have no idea how I picked it up, so confused I ran out of the base and tried to drop it only I didn’t have the flag buff icon. In my panic rather than running away and trying to mount up to drop it, I just stood there unclicking every buff I had right and left clicking every buff and debuff trying to drop it for someone else while everyone in vent told me to drop it, got pwned and they returned the flag. I felt amazingly stupid but I really have no idea how I even picked it up to begin with.

The second loss was mostly because our FC, for no particular reason, left where he had two healers, myself included, guarding him, LoS’d us behind the wall and promptly died.

How I met Ultrabomber

Murkbottom wasn’t on last night for the 3’s he scheduled, so picked up a random hunter in trade and got cap.  The person wasn’t geared very well but there was no raging, and I had a good time actually.


Added them to my friends list since they said they were willing to go again next week.  Hunter/disc priest is probably a weird combination but to just have a decent partner is all I want at this point. Had a problem with my points though, I had like 400 cp coming in, but had a battle that gave me no points at around 1100 for the week, then another battle gave me 80, then another battle gave me none, then another gave me full.

Ran BH 25 on shaman and priest and won nothing.

Just Terrible

Tried 3’s with Acks and his friend, but it went, fucking, terrible. TERRIBLE. We only won 2, because the other team logged in 1 person, and 2, respectively. Then I took an extra loss when they were dicking around fighting each other and left me to phase in by myself. Lost a few more, than the rogue inconceivably LEFT arena before it started to do god knows what leaving Acks and I to take another loss. Took another loss, and got an invite from Meanbaby for a raid and I told them guys I’m out. Without those two easy matches it would have been 7 straight losses, that’s just stupid shit at like, 200 rating. If they weren’t stupid fing losses I wouldn’t have been very upset but it was those 2 stupid losses plus Acks saying he had like, 200 resil.

This group, siiiigh. Facepalm. Three healers, three priests, 2 disc 1 holy. How does this keep happening? Lost the roll on the healing neck on the first boss (again), then won a roll on a mail healing belt boe, Belt of Ghostly Graces. For my SHAMAN. Hilarious, seriously, she’s gotten most of the loot so far one way or another.

We got the first boss down then spent the rest of the night failing on the bouncy ball guy. I brought in my shaman near the end for Hero, since we had a single attempt get to 1.5%, but every try after that barely got to 3rd phase. I really hate that fight.