Tag Archive | Mage

Work is Poop!

Out in Netherwing areas these days trying to finally get Exalted.  These guys, just made me LAUGH!  And made me think of my own job…


This peon refused to work!!  He also  yells “Work is poop!”  That it is, that it is…


and DAMN they’re stupid!


though you end up finding out that the murkblood are trying to assist the Netherwing, and at one point one of their foremen gives you his hand just to help you out. The spell is calling “giving the hand” I believe.  I give up LOOKING for eggs though, if I happen to find one, great, otherwise looking is annoying.

I also did the Skyshatter races, and man I’m glad you can’t get knocked off your mount any more when they throw stuff at you.  I got hit a few times and lost once, but I have cheater can’t get knocked off abilities now so clearly easier.


Lightning Rod

We had our alt raid last night and this time brought a guildies alt shaman who was doing 5-10k heals on the first 4 bosses. They claimed it was because of their gear, but from spell usage it looked like they just didn’t know how to play a shaman. Then we had our problem priest, and a druid from RS. It went pretty sloppy even with the nerf, and we failed on boat. I got Lightning Rod from Hagara though so I was happy.

I think people forget that even with nerfs, the mechanics of the fight are the SAME. They didn’t nerf them to LFR faceroll status.

Cunning Proc is Cool

Been pvping like mad lately now that I have Cunning of the Cruel.  Besides doing a decent amount of damage, the proc on it is just FING COOL!

Anyway, gosh you rogues, I’m sorry, I laughed, love you guys


Was on a crazy winning streak in bgs today.  The best one was a WSG where a disc priest had the flag and was within 1 yard of capping their flag.  I ringed them with Ring of Frost so they couldn’t get to it without getting frozen, then the rest of my team cc’d their ass and beat them to death.  No joke, just a few feet in front of capping.  We went on to win.  I professed undying love to that group.

Then during a BH group I found another mage which appears to be my doppelganger.


No one listens to me when I say the healers are bad

We actually had a group for DS 10 tonight, and got down Morchock, only died over and over and over (at least 5x) on Zon’ozz because all three healers, took turns trying to keep the tank up, and couldn’t. Bella couldn’t do it, the shaman, or the druid. I said we’re not making progress and left. I was pushing 30k+ dps though. I mean, when I wasn’t trying to avoid boss aggro after the tank kept dropping.

You sure? Ok then

Ran the first 4 bosses of LFR the other day, and watched Cunning of the Cruel go to a BALANCE druid who was doing FERAL dps, at around 6k dps. They then went to actually using balance during the second boss, and brought their DPS up to around 10k.

On the third boss I won a new ring, which was technically a side grade (which I ended up equipping) and that druid asked if they could have it because my gear was better. Stifling an urge to tell them to fuck off I said sure I’ll trade for that trinket. Needless to say they declined. Someone from Ragnaros, that druid was. Totally sick of seeing that server, and Goldrinn in my queues.