Tag Archive | I Laughed


My pally is now level 73 and most of my runs have complaints here and there but todays Nexus was good enough to note.

Had a DK tank who had no idea where he was going or what he was doing, and another DK doing about 300 dps compared to the tanks 1400 dps. That was the start. Then the dwarf hunter, I’m pretty sure, initiated a vote kick after I pointed this out with “don’t wanna carry”, that guy got kicked.

Then we had a mess of a pull where I lost the tank while I was silenced, but we cleared it with myself and 2 dps up with the DK asking for a rez while we were busy with the fight. I was complimented on my healing, and rezzed up the tank and a dps who didn’t bother running back in. I said “drinking” since I was down to 13%, but the DK ran ahead and kept pulling so I had to abort that, pop Divine Plea and trigger Speed of Light to catch up. Then we had this little conversation

Farzen- Maelstrom (dwarf hunter): What is it about making a new DK that makes people forget how to play?

Me: Lol

DK: it doesn’t

Farzen: could’ve fooled me

DK drops party.

The group wasn’t that great but I stayed just because that hunter made me laugh and I told them so. We finished with a warrior who spun Keristrasza like a top but otherwise we finished it.

My Mouth was Open!

This is from my pally, who is now 50 and one of those quest dialogs that just make me laugh:


Been getting compliments on my pally already too, had a run in Sm where I got a “and heals ur a beast” and another SM run where everyone died but me and I solo’d 3 mobs down “hella job girl”.

Last night was a great DS run, we did a full clear in that one night, I got the healy shield, Timepiece of the Bronze Flight, and Belt of Shattered Elementium.

And besides all that, I was the last survivor of the DW kill XD


Suck it Dude

Yellowducky kicked Frostrated/Restosham yesterday morning. I am rather glad he was kicked while online, and not allowed to be such an ass and then leave on his own accord.  Afterwards he sent me a bunch of messages asking me to tell Yellow to “f himself’, saying he was going to go back to Burning Legion because everyone on this server/guild thinks they are better than they are, threw fits about Beezle thinking he was any good, and apparently had other beefs about other members of the guild thinking they were any good.

Later on I switched to my priest and we had this little convo which made me smile.


then he went on to say “I just need a healer”, said he actually had me unblocked (like I care) and said someone named Monkeyfeet was helping him to get the drake.  Hi.  Here’s me not caring, k thx bai.

Later that night on my shaman we did a full clear of FL and finally got this guild a Rag kill.


6th Anniversary

I log in and get my 6th anniversary achievement, and take some pictures of the little hobbit-like homes in the Loch Modan area that I like a lot.

I run around and pick up some new flight points while queuing for WG.  The battle starts and I don’t get in. While I’m waiting I run around Badlands and check out the Tomb of the Watchers, which appears to be basically empty. Well except for the giant statues.


I then head up a mountain I don’t remember going up before and it’s quite the view.


Especially when I slow fall off!  I discover the Forbidden Sea. I’m so far out I get the Fatigue Bar even.


Then it ends up I do not get into WG at all. Sucks, and the battle is over.

I hit the beach and land on Fuselight-by-the-Sea and find Exploding Sheep.  I’m serious!


Gnomes are creepy

So that druid I took a shot of about a month ago standing up on his chopper, Sealan, we’re friends now and I got him invited to A9N.  Before that I have some catching up to do.  First off, this gnome was creepy as fuck


I had an Eye of the Storm battle where someone refused to cap the flag even though it was time so I life gripped them into capping it.  Ass.


Ladiesman got me here at slags and I just stayed dead watching for a while.


Heard a couple of funny statements in general/trade lately, first was

Puckyhuddle: Your fat fck dinosaur is blocking my mailbox of joy.


Crisfabulous: There once was a man from nantucket…
Ruusty: lets just say the rumors about him are highly exaggerated

I ran into the smaller version of that giant blue dragon in town