Tag Archive | Dungeons

Subzero, sometimes I make poor decisions

End Time Baine: Tank stays in the lava and dies at about 15% left to go, I inviz to drop aggro, the other dps die, pop mirrors, hero, just me and that healer, combustion, I die, Baine dies. Pally is the only one alive. We sort of chuckle over that, since at the start of that area, I died because I didn’t hit inviz in time, and the tank told me that’s “not how inviz works”. Um ok? It drops aggro, duh.

Next up, Jaina. Pally’s name is Subzeropanda from Garona btw. We died to trash there, oh gosh like 3x. The tank pulled too much or something I forget, then another time pulled when the healer wasn’t there, then pulled when the healer was just rezzed and wasn’t prepared. I must have used ice block/mirrors/inviz at lesat 5x. Anyway Jaina, seemed like an excessive amount of flare cores were coming out, every 5 seconds it seemed. Tank ends up kiting her into the trash we should have but didn’t clear, most of the party dies, the pally and I survive. I laugh and say we should exchange phone numbers or something, like victims of a terrible accident.

Murazond went ok. We then ran WoE together and I ended up with a real id friend.

I am trying to bang out Wildhammer rep since my ret pally needs the head enchant, and she was the furthest along in that area. I also got in an in progress WoE where I phased into a dead party at the first boss and died right away. Why oh WHY can you phase in like that? Then I died again when one of the demon mobs didn’t despawn and was right on the boss, and the tank (mostly Brazil group) just ran right into it killing us all again. I told the priest on my healers if I see more than 2 Brazil servers I’ll just auto desert. They agreed, but the tank ended up getting kicked, the other 2 left, we requeued and got it down. I said this once before but gosh it seems my dps groups are often much harder than my heals. This may be because all a dps can really do wrong is go afk, do bad dps, or maybe pull too much, but that isn’t too common because that just gets YOU killed. A bad tank, bad healer.. that goes bad for all.

Things you don’t want to hear from pugs

There’s a thread on the WoW healer forums about things you don’t want to hear from pugs, which ended up turning into a horror story swap. I have to say as dps, I think I have more bad stories since I have the possibility of a bad healer AND tank, rather than as a healer when I’m filling one important part.

Did an End Time today where the healer said from the start he didn’t know the fights, so I typed how to do them during the trash. The tank pulled every boss without hesitation, including trash when the healer hadn’t phased in yet. Pulled trash after a boss fight before anyone had a chance to drink, and pulled Murazond when half of us were still behind the hourglass, which meant every time I hit it, I had to run all the way back. He also linked recount mid-fight, screamed about time warp when I already hit it, and screamed about clicking before it was even time. Oh and he needed on everything he could. Needless to say I gave him a piece of my mind.

When you could VP cap in one day

I still have a feeling the battlegroups were tweaked some how.  I can often get my first win of the day in the first bg, where before it was often after 8 or more straight losses in a row.

I’m quite happy about these new dungeons, I often get almost cap in 1-2 nights these days.  The Z dungeons I barely wanted to even do one a day and if I wasn’t raided, often times didn’t even bother capping.    Now I cap my dungeons, do LFR, and want to do regular raids.

Fire Spec

Ran a random 5 today and finally won an upgrade cloth belt, Chillbane Belt, to replace my 359 from damn near the start of cata. I think I mentioned I went fire spec and it’s more fun than hitting 1-2 buttons as arcane but the rotation still leaves me scratching my head a bit. Sometimes I get lots of Hot Streaks, sometimes almost none and timing combustion seems about as fun as marking charts in excel.

Jaina’s Staff

Ran the 5 man dungeons over and over and over today but didn’t come away with any loot for oh, the first 5 runs I think. Earlier in the week I got side-grade gloves, robe, but I still badly need to replace 359 shoulders, and belt.  If I can get those I’ll just drop the 2pc set I have since it’s not that good and gets me killed anyway (with the mirrors) and gear it for fire, and go fire.  Arcane gets shut down pretty hard in some of these new instances and raids.

On one of my last runs for the day I picked up Jaina’s Staff, which makes me slightly sad in the pants because I had spent like 17k on Volcanospike what feels like not that long ago (2 months I think) but eh what can you do.  That other weapon served me well.  It’s a pretty staff too, in addition to the pretty robes I picked up, I’m happy with some of the looks on the new loot.
