Tag Archive | Dragon Soul


Did a DS 10 with mostly Relentless again, and fuck my life they had another disc priest in there again. Apparently no one called out loot rules so the druid won a weapon, then won a ring, and I lost the tier pants to the other priest. So to date out of BH, every week of LFR, and 2 10m DS, I got a side grade belt. I also turned in 4 of those geodes and got a single green gem. Really blizzard, really? I kill a RAID BOSS and get a gem worth 5g?

I was never mad like this when I had a guild raid team, but perhaps because I knew that eventually I’d get something and it wasn’t constantly walking away with someone I’d never see again. Anyway I should shut up my other characters have won enough but gosh, my priest is my MAIN so it bugs me.

I want this set

Ran guild LFR tonight and won Gloves of Liquid Smoke. Was another 10/11m guild run and Shock got to tease me about a nice necklace that dropped, saying he would have given it to my priest if I was healing.  Buuuut since it’s just one guild group a week I can make I’ve decided to rotate the characters.

And, ok, where do I get this set? huh huh? XD Damn custom armor…


The good bg streak continued today as well, getting in an ALREADY WINNING wsg, which we won, the just rapage AB win, then a SotA win.  Amazing how the days fluctuate.

Pickpocket Hagara

Was supposed to raid DS 10 with Rayzo tonight but he showed up late, and apparently no one waited and all logged. Talked to Lilawolf in the meantime and was going to join another raid but instead of waiting a few minutes on me they got some other disc priest.

The reason I had to ask for a few minutes before I could join, is because I ran Well of Eternity for the satchel, but ended up getting Foul Gift of the Demon Lord as well, which I used to replace Eye of Blazing Power. I liked the Eye trinket but the Demon Lord one has the same exact int, and a more useful on equip ability of a lot of mastery (which turns out to be awesome sauce). But unfortunately unlike the groups that wait forever for a healer or whatever when I’m ready to go, this one didn’t wait. Oh well that trinket was worth it.

Was halfway through another satchel run, when I got added to that raid anyway. Huzzah! The first boss went fine, the next one we wiped on over and over and over. The healing we had to put out was incredible and I was going OOM pretty fast. Anyway we swapped out the pally for a druid healer, and got it down. 2 bosses and no loot that applied to me.

On the third guy with the slimes, we should have had it but wiped like 4 times and by then I had to go. Poor Rayzo, I really wanted to last until the pick pocket boss.

Will of Unbinding

Later that day queued up for the second set of raids, and did well all things considering.


I thought the battles were pretty easy but seeing what they were designed for I think it’s not bad.  I don’t know, I mean harder would have been nice, but with 25 pugs I just don’t know how that would work out.  And this one was just cool.


got to the final Deathwing thing and I had to go but it looked pretty cool. At one of the earlier raids I won Will of Unbinding which gives 780 int pretty much, non stop.  It’s also going to find a place in my pvp gear!


And a side note, people that join a group to queue for something, and then go afk for like 10+ mins, that’s kind of shitty.  Just be like “I can’t right now”.  Don’t get in a group, go “afk sec” and then not come back for so long I could have queued for and ran half of a dungeon already.