Tag Archive | RBG

Sometimes I Have to be Mean

I posted on the guild forums that I did not want to raid next week. Dor needing on and winning a ring that someone else really could have used, after winning a thunder forged weapon and several other pieces is driving me up the wall. This is in addition to him screwing up constantly and enough is enough. I don’t like him as a co-heals and raiding is just pissing me off in this situation.

Cruc lead guild rbgs on Thurs and I know a few people were there that don’t pvp or don’t like pvp. We did win one though. I brought Shock with and he ended up asking if Fel was trolling. Why you ask? Well whenever a queue pops, or he dies and releases, he’ll lose connection and then can’t get back in for several minutes. This happened once and we had to 9m AB. Then it happened again and we had to 9m another. This does look a lot like trolling when after the 2nd try the person is still ‘damn ya’ll I didn’t get in AGAIN’. But when he asked to try a third time I had enough and said something in vent like “look you made us be down a man TWO TIMES already I think that’s plenty” and he said “fine I’ll just log”. I personally would be mortified if I did that once much less twice.

Shock left after 2 of them I think it was. Said our hunter was horrible, the rogue was just standing in one place and spamming fan of knives, no one was really calling out anything, etc. I know it’s supposed to be fun and losing for points but when it’s epic terrible it ruins it.


Ran RBGs with Yoshimara again last night, which took a good hour to form up. Then Dirtydk, who sounds like he’s 13 wouldn’t stop crying about how my mmr was low. Yeah sorry it was 0 last week and went to about 1300 in one night, and that’s the last time I did it. Our server doesn’t exactly run those often. They wanted people 1700+. We won EoTS, AB, and a WSG and I hit 1600 and got the Knight title. I must have heard bitching about my mmr and exactly how much it changed each fight 5x. In EotS Dirty also commented how I kept dying repeatedly. Yes, when you run to a base with 6 of the other team who actually know how to pvp, they will pound me into the ground and without peels I will die pretty instantly.

After that we lost a WSG when the dps failed to do much damage at all to the EFC (was watching via focus) even though 4 of their team cc’d me and the pally healer real hard and killed our FC. There was much “are you kidding me?” like there’s much you can do with chain stuns/fears, Emfh on CD, and the FC in a smoke bomb. We then went on to get 3 capped in Gilneas, I think a few people weren’t on vent and not calling anything was most of the reason we lost, and half the raid raged and cursed and left, laying all the blame on the raid leader, like they shouldn’t be looking around at the situation and making their own decisions. I do feel stupid that I was at LH with a warlock, and I SHOULD HAVE stayed, but they told me to go, then LH got capped shortly after. Sigh.

After that I got picked up for a heroic 25m LK kill and got my token, so I have the pretty heroic sanctified alcolye robes now, was very happy about that. I brought my set with just to prove I wasn’t wasting a token, since you MUST have the 10.5 version to even use the tokens. I prefer how tokens in wrath worked; you can choose what item to upgrade and it’s not set as a head, gloves, etc piece.


Did not get the Love Rocket on any of my 3 chars this year. Siiigh.

Got picked up for RBGs last night by Ilikeanimals and per typical groups, it took about an hour to get going and we lost very badly on AB. It took forever to reform, this time Ilike left and Yoshimara took over leading.  We went on to win like, 5 in a row before we quit around midnight. I went from 0 rating since I hadn’t done any yet this season to 1150.  I’d like to hit 1700 since my last highest was 1600.  That of course got me cap, which is nice because I was wondering who the hell I was gonna cap with this week.


Tharus beat my ass

I moved my shaman into Relentless, which was my first ever guild, since I have a permanent spot with them DS 10 raiding now and I know people would not rather give gear to a “pug”.  We did the first 2 bosses ok and I won a new necklace, but the third we had bad healing problems.  The priests top heal was flash heal, and I focused them one fight and that’s all I saw going off during tank healing, and I assume shields in between.  We had a talk afterwards where I suggested talent and reforge changes, and I guess we’ll have to wait until the next raid to talk about healing rotation more and skill usage. They were only putting out around 12k heals as it was, and the grouping up damage parts we were failing something fierce on. I was doing around 22k.

Anyway I did 2’s with the hunter again and it went a little better this time.  I ran into Tharus during one match, with a rshaman.  He beat my ASS too, it was kind of funny.  Now I know what Ladiesman was talking about when he says he sometimes loses by underestimating a player.  That’s exactly what I did.  I then got asked by


Leudraenei (I’m sure I spelled that wrong) to do RBGs with Ilikeanimals, but when they kept spamming for a resto shaman I said I had one with 4569 resil and switched to that instead.

We won 1, lost 2.  Both losses from pretty stupid mistakes.  The first loss I take responsibility for, though I still honestly have no idea how it happened.  We were in Twin Peaks in the alliance base (as horde) and I was nowhere near where the flag was, I was across the room near the back, and I noticed I had the flag.  I have no idea how I picked it up, so confused I ran out of the base and tried to drop it only I didn’t have the flag buff icon. In my panic rather than running away and trying to mount up to drop it, I just stood there unclicking every buff I had right and left clicking every buff and debuff trying to drop it for someone else while everyone in vent told me to drop it, got pwned and they returned the flag. I felt amazingly stupid but I really have no idea how I even picked it up to begin with.

The second loss was mostly because our FC, for no particular reason, left where he had two healers, myself included, guarding him, LoS’d us behind the wall and promptly died.


We ran rbgs last night and I got to go on my mage again.  I got enough points to get my new robe finally.

The last 2 days have been pretty good for alliance pvp oddly enough. I had

Gilneas – Win
Twin Peaks – Win
EotS – Win (4 cap no less)
AV – Win
AB – Win

but we still constantly lose TB.

The last TB, besides stealing horde pally wings constantly, I ran into Shock on his mage.  Two of us chased him out of ICG where he invized and the other person left.  I waited around for it to fall then we 1v1’d on the bridge, with me very narrowly winning. I took this shot just as he died.


We then went to Orgrimmar and killed some horde, at least until 2 dk’s and a healer came out and, we were silly fighting them on their GY and got insta spawned on a little too much XD  Switched to horde to go talk to them but I am honestly not much of a shit-talker in pvp.  I mean, not in the sense of “ha ha u so bad omg loser” but I’ll get riled up when people say stupid stuff about someone not rezzing while in combat, a healer not healing when sapped, or other dumb junk like that.


One of these days a horde paladin is going to come to alliance to tell me to stop stealing wings I’m sure.  I stole this one paladins, Yresa  I think the name was, at least 5x in one battle.  Then they  tried to kill me with a dk and someone else when I was at our guards outside of the bridge, but I blinked back out of the death grip, snared them a bunch of times and another alliance player helped beat them to death.  I blew kisses a few times, poor guy.  At about 24 keybinds I am running out of places to comfortably hit skills though, after taking fire talents to make fireblast useful enough to stick on one.