The PVE gear has been rolling in! I earned warforged bracers from Ordos, I believe it was, a ring, robe, cloak, and BOA mace from our SoO run last night. We got down Garrosh fairly easily as well. Earned the Strike! achievement.
Tag Archive | Siege of Orgrimmar
2 Trinkets 1 Night
I did flex tonight with Time Lords and wow. I got TWO trinkets tonight. Prismatic Prison of Pride (say that 3 times… ) and Nazgrim’s Burnished Insignia. What with my love of trinkets and all, this is some crazy, insane, luck!
I also have a 2 piece T… 15? or whatever it is now.
PVE healing still bores me to tears though. What do you mean, nothing is trying to directly kill me, what gives? No arrows in the ass, no rogue shadow-stepping me, nothing?
There are technically rogues in that wing but it’s not the same.
I orginally wanted to dps on Ocyla for this raid, but like most everything, no one ever wants to heal. But that’s ok because TWO TRINKETS!! Time to work on some VP!
Oh and shamans seems a little ridiculous when Healing Stream Totem is their #2 heal. Really? Geez.
Went Fury
Decided to try to learn Fury warrior dps since I’m going to just dps for a while anyway. I meant to level it some more last night, but they were running flex 3 in guild so I joined.
We got down the first boss ok but the second we wiped like 3x and I said I was tired of doing it. Got one more attempt but it was pretty obvious half of the people were ignoring the mechanics and dps was not good.
I have to give that DK props for not telling us to F ourselves and logging way earlier. They stuck it out until it was called.
Boarthrills and Pool Ponies
I’ve been running into Boarthrills, a hunter, a lot in WG, and TB, and one day we grouped up around Hellfire/Nagrand killing ally. We later grouped with Deadmeen who I’ve been helping gear up on Timeless Isle.
Eventually Alliance brought a disc priest, 2 hunters, and a rogue. Wariorhunt, an ally hunter, was basically unkillable with 565+ pve gear though.
I got Boar on battletags and got them both in vent one night and stayed up waaaaaaaaaay too late doing world pvp.
Also, I found it odd that this workshop in WG only had one guard, and he was sleeping.
This is usually how the battles go, however.
WG is rather hard to defend sometimes since vehicles often slip past you completely invisible. I posted in the bug forums, but there was an instance where I was in the fort waiting for their demo to come by, and it went THROUGH me completely invisible and even didn’t show on hunter tracking until it was well past me. I noticed I’ve done that myself driving vehicles, where I see an enemy player and they run past me like I don’t even exist.
Ran a WG with Crux and finally got the Armani battle-bear.
Also ran flex 1-2 with Moo and the guild, and came out with a flex bow, trinket, necklace and gloves.
And, Don’t question my genius! The pool pony was the best!