
Can’t handle CC?

I told Relentless I would heal for them last night, since my team isn’t doing MV any more. I think that will be the only time I will do it though.

First I was there prior to 8 but they had another healer coming, so I told Warbomb I’d do arena with him. After the first win, Lila asked me to come heal. We did another win against a rdruid and rogue, and I raged a little bit when I was stuck in a 15+ second CD chain. We still won but it annoys me that things like that can even happen. If I remember right I was cycloned for like 6 seconds, then a kidney, then a cyclone, then a stun of some sort. 6+4+5 (ish) of being completely locked down with my trinket not available. So as I said, we won.

I told him I wasn’t feeling arena right now (I was a little ticked that the first battle with 2 DKs, he let one of them run around with 20% health for a good minute or so). He then said things like “so you can’t handle chain CC huh?” and “what am I supposed to do with a partner who can’t handle CC?”. I snapped that I ‘handled it’ because we won. Then he said “but you wanted me to gear up soooooooo bad”. Um what? I said I wasn’t doing arena with a scrub in pve blues, gearing up is mandatory. Anyway whatever.

So I went to raid with Relentless, and the amount of times I died was something else. I did something like 50% of the heals on Stone Guard, putting out 60k hps. The entire raid was bathing in damage and almost dead quite a bit of the fight. Their druid was bad, low healing and managed to die pretty much on every boss and trash. We wiped 2 times on the second boss. I told them I could 2 heal Garajal, but the shaman went DPS, who was the much stronger healer, and the druid was left to heal. Besides the healing troubles, there was at least 2 times that I went into the spirit totem alone, once the dps went in without a healer and died, another wipe because the tank was behind the barrier, etc etc. We were forced to three heal it because of the bad druid, who ended up, surprise, dying again.

We died to, or had to reset Spirit Kings a few times when people were goofing up, and the mage doing 30k dps died straight away to the easily avoidable floor aoe, then the spriest died. That fight took at least 2 attempts. Then we died something like 4x to the trash before Elegon. So, yeah I think that’s the last time I’ll heal with them. Nice guys but gosh.

Disc is OP now

Last night we did the first 4 bosses in HoF before time was up. I posted in the healing forums asking how I could make the other healers look better, and I was hoping to get some comments on our druid and paladin on something they could improve, instead I was just told I am sniping all the heals and I should use penance offensively more and smite more.

I did this and I was still top heals, though at a less gap in % between us. I didn’t have logs past Vizier though because I relogged and forgot to enable it again.

Luck with gear

Had some insanely close Gilneas battles lately, had one we won by 30 and another we lost by 40 that I worked SO HARD OMGMGMGMGG to try to win. It was like trying that stupid BG in a RBG.

So anyway I’m not that pleased about my gear progress via raids right now. My helm, back, and chest, one trinket and weapon is all LFR. I’ve only gotten 2 pieces of tier which isn’t work even equipping right now. I’m using the LFR robe only because it has native spirit and my other one did not, and losing out on over 600 spirit is a problem. My neck, shoulder, belt, pants, and one ring are all from rep. My off hand is crafted and so is the other trinket. My other raid pieces after weeks and WEEKS are gloves, pants, and bracers I had to use a token to win. Bleh.

Some People Just Need Killing

I kill people that AFK in LFR.  See the warlock with the green triangle on him?


He was standing there doing nothing and did maybe 5k dps total.  So I ran off to the side, and life gripped him.  The fears threw him all the way to the edge of the water and since he was out of range for heals, he died.  I then msg’d them with “that’s what you get for being afk”.  Of course all the guy would have to say is “I was feeding my baby/mother/donating to charity/curing cancer” and most of the raid would be like “aww” and then them afk through anything.


and why why why do I do more dps than dps and tank classes? Hmmm???

And I must have missed these quests earlier, here is me spitting out cider to douse some fires, classy!


Hm let’s see.  Our raids, yeah.  Lately I’ve been top heals by a significant margin.  I don’t know if it’s because of SS/PW:S sniping or what, but being 10 to 16% higher than the other healers seems more than sniping going on.


Did some old raiding with Nilv and this AQ clear got me my Classic Raider achievement. I  don’t know how I didn’t have that before.


And this title/buff is just awesome.


No one is ever on

Last night we got down the Wind Lord, on the first pull, I think? Or maybe second, anyway it was fast. Tried Garalon a bit then the night was over. We started over an hour late because we were missing Nilv.

Today did second half of HoF and Terrace and got one sigil of wisdom and gold gold gold. Starting to get cranky I have 0 tier especially when others have 4-5 pieces.

Oh yes and was made an officer yesterday. I think we were getting borderline officer-less, actually. It was Alyis, only he hasn’t been on in around a month (sadface) because of work and money stuff, and Io will be gone for related reasons as I understand it. That just leaves Ran, who is GM, if I remember right.

I also have not seen Stout in weeks, nor Perfide, nor Rinni all this week so far. Janusz has also been missing for a month or so. I find it difficult to accept a request to come to his server when he has a lot of playing gaps. I mean I’m sure I could find people to get along with, but I’m not paying for a server transfer AGAIN and having the people that asked me to come over just vanish.