
My Mouth was Open!

This is from my pally, who is now 50 and one of those quest dialogs that just make me laugh:


Been getting compliments on my pally already too, had a run in Sm where I got a “and heals ur a beast” and another SM run where everyone died but me and I solo’d 3 mobs down “hella job girl”.

Last night was a great DS run, we did a full clear in that one night, I got the healy shield, Timepiece of the Bronze Flight, and Belt of Shattered Elementium.

And besides all that, I was the last survivor of the DW kill XD


I want this set

Ran guild LFR tonight and won Gloves of Liquid Smoke. Was another 10/11m guild run and Shock got to tease me about a nice necklace that dropped, saying he would have given it to my priest if I was healing.  Buuuut since it’s just one guild group a week I can make I’ve decided to rotate the characters.

And, ok, where do I get this set? huh huh? XD Damn custom armor…


The good bg streak continued today as well, getting in an ALREADY WINNING wsg, which we won, the just rapage AB win, then a SotA win.  Amazing how the days fluctuate.

Volcanospike, when Epic weapon BOEs were a thing

Found Volcanospike for under 20k today so bought one for 17.5k.  Ran the z dungeons over and over to get VP cap, and will be able to get my robe next week.  It’s not so bad now that everyone knows what to do, though today we had a terrible holy priest that basically wiped us on the kitty lady boss 3x before they bowed themselves out.  I’m not sure what they were doing either.  They were holy but barely using renew, never using circle of healing, prayer of healing, or prayer of mending.  Their 3 highest heals were greater heal, lightwell, and echo of light.  It’s like what the hell?

Anyway finally got a shot of those vines picking up and throwing a firelands mob around, pretty funny.


The roost dailies are getting harder since no one else is doing them.  They need to boost the helpers you get or something.


Catching up on some old images. Brewfest is on this week and I drank myself into a near coma and got to see the pink elekk’s around the brewfest area.


Conquix took me to BWL which I’d never done before


only my internet kept dropping like crazy which caused issues, naturally.


I know it sounds like a dumb thing to say, since BWD is in the same place as BWL, but seeing the dragons hanging from chains on the ceiling, well BWD had the same thing.

Anyway I lost internet connection before seeing the Nefarion kill but I mind visioned Con and saw some of it.


Then I went with a rogue named Trivium to Tempest Keep, where Serilla/Rhaego/Irri joined us and got a kill after several attempts.  For some reason even though we had 5 people they were choosing to pull the last boss to close to the entrance which seemed to not help anything other than waste time.

But I did get my avatar robes, now I just need to work on gloves and possibly the helm if I choose to display it.

Damn u ugly Skit

Finally got “Storm Capper” in EoTS even though we lost terribly.  I held the flag for 5+ mins and we didn’t get any other bases.  Alliance was busy in mid, even though WE HAD THE FLAG. It took 3 of these (call to arms) to get a win.


Last night we did some little side battles to get Skitmo part of that legendary staff.


at one point he turned into that awful druid healing tree model, to which someone said “damn skit you ugly!” ha ha, no kidding.


We spent the rest of the night finally getting Heroic Shannox down, then tried Heroic Rhyolith but didn’t get that.  My numbers in disc spec, are impressive at anywhere from 12 to 20k.  I still feel it has to do with how recount counts the healing though, since I am certainly not physically doing any more healing than I was as holy.  I’m hoping we do regulars tomorrow so I can maybe have a chance at the shoulders.

The hunter we’ve been bringing, Turtles, has been eh, a bit of an annoyance.  Lots of not listening, like missing the cauldron being put down even though it was announced, being told repeatedly to eat the feast, doing the wrong thing in raids and flat out admitting they “weren’t listening” to the instructions. Etc.  Kind of frustrating.