
125 World Tree marks

Did my dailies, again.  Just one more set of 125 marks, finally.


Raided last night, tried Shannox on heroic a few times, otherwise did normal, and I got Wristwraps of Arrogant Doom.  One less thing to buy with VP, yay.  I think I’ll wait until after BH next week before I buy the tier pants or not though.

I single-handedly failed an achievement for us prior to Staghelm, when, not realizing I had to stay back, I instinctively ran out with 6 people in the raid when I should not have.  Healers reflexes I guess. Ugh ><

Tried Ragnoros a few times but failed on um, 2nd or 3rd stage I forget.  After that I ran some Bgs with Jan, a rogue whose name escaped me and.. a druid, I think.  I like EoTS because of all the people I can hurl to their death from mid.  On the advice of Shockblocker I kept my tsunami card on for the spirit.  We won that one, but regulars bgs I just try to have fun.  Won Gilneas also.

I stayed up, way way too late doing a rated which we lost.  A paladin we invited from VoW rage quit when it was looking like we were going to lose.  That’s just… bratty.  I told them after the loss that I had to go since it was like 2am and that I had fun, and as I exited someone said it wasn’t really but eh, can’t win all the time.

Leyara is kind of a jerk

Finished another 125 world tree marks and got a little quest line about Leyara, who is kind of a jerk.  I do so love these force field ball things though, that should totally be a player skill.


I mean why not right, mages ended up with Taldaram fire orb.  This was a little fight but pretty cool, with summoned tornados and everything.


I end up with Leyara’s amulet which turns me into her, for 5 mins, with a 1 hour cd.  And being transported to TB, cancels it btw.


Had at least one winning TB today, but had one where we didn’t get Slags the ENTIRE TIME because horde had almost their whole raid there. After that I switched to my horde, and Zukk must have remembered me and waved, and we talked about pvp a bit.  He said he’s making a tank set for running the flag in WSG/TP, and that might be good to know since I’ve seen him in a RBG once so far.

Also today, a rogue named Shmnfriend asked if I would do 3’s with him.  I checked his armory and saw with a bit of horror that he was on a 3’s team with Soulprince as the captain. Yeah, not doing that. I asked them about it but they said no they were teamed with a warrior.  Definitely NOT doing arena with Soulprince anyway.

White Kitten

I wish I could remember, if I knew Kilnor’s alliance alt, since they blew me a kiss during one TB battle.  Maybe it’s just another person like me /shrug

Anyway, got lucky the other day and ran into Lil Timmy with his white kitten and picked one up.  Nilvana has already given me some on my characters but I sent this one to my shaman.


Shockblocker has a mage on the horde side named Angelus who is quite good, and since he’s in guild I wave at him in TB and such.  We talked a bunch about pvp and ran a few bgs together too.  I’ve been called “man” and “dude” a few times.

The Firelands area has phased once again for me and now the area near the Flame Druids is littered with little flame treant corpses.  It’s kind of eerie.


My poor name, has been confusing people again.  In my raid I’m calling “Oh kai luh” and when I helped Relentless get Cho’gall so they could get their dark phoenix, I’m called “Oh suh luh”.  I understand it’s a weird spelling, but it’s not too hard.  A lot of people abbreviate it as “O C” and all you have to do is add a “lah”.  “Oh see lah”.  But as long as I know they are talking about me I don’t care much. I actually kind of like the Oh Kai luh now that I think about it.

Anyway, ran 2’s with Karma and I would have been 4-0 but he bailed on one fight and I had to take a loss. I believe it was an accident.   The first three wins were fairly quick, but when I asked for one more win, then we were sort of punished.  We got a battle at fing Ring of Valor against a holy paladin and a hunter.  It must have lasted, gosh, 40 minutes.  A few times we almost got the hunter down but then at a critical time the paladin would resist a MC or something and heal him up instantly.  The paladin was also able to do some speedy thing, run in a corner, and sit down and drink, undoing all the massive mana burning I was putting out.

The direction my fears were throwing the paladin weren’t very favorable either.  But, after forever Karma got the hunter down, the paladin retreated to a corner and I burned the shit out of him.  We won.  Now I just need RBG cap, and next week I believe I can get my new staff.

Firelands Quests

Well, making some progress on the Firelands quests.


Catching up over the weekend, we got down MajorDomo Staghelm and I got the Jaws of Defeat trinket. Then we went on to work on Ragnaros and made it to second phase a few times.


I was loathe to give up Core of Ripeness as a mana regen tool for the Eye of Blazing Power, so I equipped the Jaws item instead.  The Eye trinket, I may equip for battlegrounds or arena though, might be useful, or on fights where I know I can manage my mp fine with with my normal class utilities.

I tried to run RBGs last night but got in bad ones where we got Twin Peaks twice, and were destroyed each time.  I got CC’d so hard I couldn’t do anything and died.  Basically we had a FC and 2 healers running the flag, and the rest of the dps were supposed to be handling mid.  Instead it ended up where the FC and I ran through mid with the opposing team having EVERYONE there, and we got rolled.  Didn’t get a single flag capture.

Then stayed up way, way too late doing arena with Jan.


but I am very grateful I got close to cap, I thought I might miss it this week again. I’ve done very little arena this season so far.

1 Tank 2 Healers

Ran a dungeon with one guild member and Leonz!


he had to save us TWICE when the DK took more damage than I could Guardian and flash heal through, so the only person that wiped twice was the tank.  At one point on a bit of trash I had 22k hps, ffs.


Ran all my firelands dailies too.  I liked this one where you get your own party to go kill stuff.


Much like the quests with the prince of SW, they also come with their own flight forms (for the druid defenders) and a rocket mount for the knight, Maximilian I believe it was, for when you go flying.