Tag Archive | Horde

Pet Taming

I’ve been going to Molten Front a lot looking for Deth’tilac, and found her today.


It’s purple, I decided it’s a she ok?


So pretty!

She had some 77 mill health so it took some doing.  I also tamed Ban’thalos which took a few Disengage fail deaths.  When Seal mentioned a crab pet I had missed out in the same area, I went camping for Karkin.  I’ve never, ever seen a hunter with him.  He wasn’t up but I did manage to die in several spectacular ways though.


I was technically in lava at this point, but could only see it when zoomed in.  Fun.  I forgot as a ghost you can’t land on these little ledges.




So I ‘died’ as a ghost over and over until I managed to nab my body again.

And after we took Tol Barad from a bunch of undergeared Alliance, Seal and I scattered their guards to the wind.



Fun with Alliance

Phased into a Tol Barad battle with 5 alliance staring me in the face. Warrior, mage, holy priest, paladin of some sort, rogue. KILLED.  THEM. ALL.  Couldn’t screenshot everything because it lags me, but got close.











Holy Priest


Didn’t get the warrior screenshot,  but killed him at least 3x, got the priest 2x (then she started running) and the paladin 1x, and mage 2x.  Lost, but it was worth it!


Hunter is a good dps choice for a healer

I say this because, more often than not, the healer is the one left guarding a base.  I know I do it all the time, and in a DWG today a holy priest was left solo at a base.  I ran in and helped knowing how much that sucks.

Most of the time, the healer then goes and runs off, can’t really blame them.  When I’m healing I tend to stay around, because chances are, such as in that DWG, shortly after 4 Alliance ran in and even though I called it out, we lost it.

So anyway, people are unnecessarily rude in bgs sometimes.  They were saying that to me when I was asking about defense.


We won this Gilneas, but it was frankly a mess.  We had three bases, I figured a quick win.  We lost one, then lost another.  Bases we had were often deserted and I’d look at the map and see no one at any bases.  I like my wins, but solid wins can turn into a loss with crap like that.

The best part was when I asked why no one stayed to defend WW I got “why didn’t you shut up and do it”.  Yeah, I had been defending mines, I only moved there when I died to 5+ alliance.  YOU’RE WELCOME

The funny thing about DK’s and Paladins

When you use the Hardened Shell on them, they travel so far so fast, they are usualy 1,000 feet in the air before it actually hits, then hilarity ensures.

The nice thing about Halaa is you can get them from the islands, if they aren’t paying attention, from on top of the buildings, or as they hover above the water, which is only safe in a very narrow margin.  Otherwise, splat!

I say this since in world pvp, the other pvpers are Alliance, and usually raid geared, which is 100k-300k or more hp on you plus thousands of stats more.  You have to be clever and use terrain and other objects to get the upper hand.