Tag Archive | Arena


So yeah couple of things to catch up on. In happy news we got down the Grand Empress tonight, and the first boss in Terrace was easy mode. I used tokens on Sha, Empress, and first boss and got gold, gold and gold. And absolutely nothing dropped I could use. Not so happy.

Then I had issues so bad with Warbomb (Ultrabomber/Flame) that I had to report him for abuse. Sunday he sent me a message that just said that he overslept the prior day we were supposed to do arena, and that we “HAVE to” do it tomorrow (Monday) and “don’t make any plans”. No hi, no, can you do it tomorrow?

On Monday again no hi or nothing just “you rdy?”. I said no. He asked me to let him know when to switch and I said I don’t want to do arena. This is what followed:

Him: I can get my legs tonight and my boots after that
Me: I don’t feel like capping this week
Him: …
Him: then why are we even 2’s partners?
me: we were doing it for points but I don’t want to do it this week
Him: God damnit

then he asked me to give him team lead so he could invite a healer. I said no

him: yeah
me: it’s my team
him: ima get a healer in the team so I can cap for this week
me: ok then make your own team
him: …
him: you are acting like a child
me: I’m not, it’s my team and I don’t want to turn over leader
him: I can give it back after I get a healer
him: Really pushing my nerves this week
me: I don’t know where you get off telling me what to do either
him: Ahaaah! if I was telling you what to do then I would be violent. Don’t accuse me of something you can’t back up doll
me: violent in a video game, how’s that gonna work?
him: Use your imagination. I wouldn’t be as calm with you. Think about it.


me: I don’t even know what to say about that tbh.
Him: because it’s true
Me: What is? You’d get loud with me?
him: I’d get violent. And I wouldn’t be holding this tone with you while your acusing me of doing thing (not my spelling, his)
me: I think it’s unnecessary to mention violence over not geting arena cap
him: I’m mentioning violence because if I was doing what you acuse me of doing then I would be violent.

Again, what?

him: not calm.
me: I didn’t accuse you of anything.

Because I didn’t. At any time. But even if I did so what.

At that point I reported him for abuse but still got, outside of real id

Him: Be a bitch then. I hope you have fun.

Whatever dude.

Infinite Whelpling

FINALLY CAUGHT AN INFINITE WHELPLING OMFG. The only difference was one level, my pets were 12 this time. But I think it was mostly RNG, perhaps, since it was just a hell of a lot easier this time.

That one was a rare then I went and caught a poor and uncommon. Rawr.

Warbomb today asked me to invite a warrior to my team, why I’m not sure. I was evilly pleased about that though, since I’m almost positive I’m carrying our little team. He told me he was going to teach this warrior how to arena. I then watched them go 5 straight losses. He told me the guy was “under geared” and I rubbed it in about what I said about gear earlier.

They went on to go 1-11.


I’ve been doing arena with Warbomb, who use to play Ultrabomber and it’s been rather interestng. I can skill solo him as disc and kill him without ever having to trinket. He thought doing arena this late in the season in blue heroic pve gear with no gems or enchants was ok. We got arena cap last week, though it went poorly if any teams focused him because he went down like a ton of bricks, needless to say I suppose.

Anyway I convinced him to at least get all honor pieces. Still a little on the fence with his behavior though. He randomly asks for favors that are often so extremely inconvenient I have to say “no, that would be ridiculous”. Things like “hey can you fly out to Theramore, pick up the ore I have, bring it back to town and put it on the AH for me so I can continue mining without going back to town?” Hell to the no?

Or “can you go to town and see if there is a mining bag, I don’t want to stop what I’m doing to see their isn’t one”. Well I don’t want to stop what I’m doing, either. So no.

I got my horde priest to 90 today and went to WG where he was there. He was following me around and wasn’t attacking me when that DK came along. When Ang(Shockblocker) showed up, I healed him. He then went into an epic meltdown, much like Holystab did before, over it. I explained to him I enjoy fighting against friends and I have no problem being beat to death (if he could). There was much emo crying about how we are arena partners and it wasn’t honorable for me to “heal those scrubs” and blah blah.

Whatever. I like fighting people I know, deal with it.

Prior to Base Resil…

This is pvp related but UGH my server sometimes. Picked up with an old arena partner from some time ago, he wasn’t that good but didn’t rage and gave it a good shot and that’s all I can really expect on my pve server usually.

He’d been away from the game for a while and wanted to do area again. We do a few Bgs and I notice he’s getting wrecked pretty quickly, and has about the same health as me. I take a look at his gear, 7 missing enchants, no pvp trinkets, several pve heroic blues, etc. I tell him he needs to replace all that crap with pvp gear. He’s like yeah soon as I get some arena in I will. I’m like yeah no, you need to replace that shit, with pvp gear. You are dying way too fast, you need the resil and pvp power.

He tells me STR/CRIT are important and that the heroic PVE blues are better than the pvp gear. Sigh. I’d been through this before, trying to do arena with a dps in epic raid gear and they get DROPPED. Not interested in doing it again.


Lots of same old same old again really.

I was watching the duels outside of SW for a while, where this DK from Hero was killing EVERYONE.  A mage by the name of Satelite dueled me, as a fire mage.  The first time I won by default since he ran too far from the battle and stayed out while I turned away and I got a “fled” win.  The second time I started off defensive and burned him down to nothing, and just defended for a while until I got bored and started attacking and ended up killing him.  He then asked me to do 2’s which we did.


We won 2 but lost the one in the picture when he said his screen went blank.  He didn’t leave the starting area and two extremely bad rogues double smoked bombed him for some reason, then turned on me, where I survied for a good 2 mins until I was just wasting everyones time and exited the battle.  Maybe I can get cap with this person instead of using VP.

Ilikeanimals showed up again and it turns out he said he was quitting, so most of the people in his guild jumped ship.  I had asked Saedif a while back what happened, since that rogue had been spamming for 2 different guilds recently but once he found out who I was (was on my paladin) he didn’t answer.  But the answer was just, too stressful.  People begging for rbgs constantly, and the biggest beggers were the first to rage quit.  Makes sense, I don’t think I could handle a guild myself.