Tag Archive | Firelands

Suck it Dude

Yellowducky kicked Frostrated/Restosham yesterday morning. I am rather glad he was kicked while online, and not allowed to be such an ass and then leave on his own accord.  Afterwards he sent me a bunch of messages asking me to tell Yellow to “f himself’, saying he was going to go back to Burning Legion because everyone on this server/guild thinks they are better than they are, threw fits about Beezle thinking he was any good, and apparently had other beefs about other members of the guild thinking they were any good.

Later on I switched to my priest and we had this little convo which made me smile.


then he went on to say “I just need a healer”, said he actually had me unblocked (like I care) and said someone named Monkeyfeet was helping him to get the drake.  Hi.  Here’s me not caring, k thx bai.

Later that night on my shaman we did a full clear of FL and finally got this guild a Rag kill.


Vengeful Druid

Today we did normal Firelands since we still do not have a Rag kill. I like these fights!  We were trying out a new healer to have them join the guild, a pally named Virstena.  I don’t know much about pally healing but their heals were on par with what I was putting out.

Our druid though, gosh, I just don’t know.  My druid healer is only 44 at this point so I’m not going to pretend to be any kind of expert, but across the board their heals were on the low side and typically came in as the lowest on each fight.  After Rhyolith we lost a dps, so the druid said we can 9 man Alysrazor. I said “9 man with 3 healers, lol” and they asked why that was funny.  Beeeeeecause you don’t need 3 heals, so you are basically running with 4 dps? Besides that obvious bit of information you mean?

I didn’t actually say anything sarcastic like that I just said it’s easily 2 healable so being short 2 dps seemed kind of harsh.  That fight I did not see them do hardly any healing, my recount only showed about 2k hps but I thought maybe I was just too far out of range.

Then on Majordomo, apparently they chose to just do nothing that fight.  They did not dps, they did not heal.  First I thought my recount was broken because I saw no heals going off, then I focus targeted them and saw their mana bar not only not moving at all, but no spells at all were going off.  They were stacking and spreading so they weren’t locked, or dc’d. I sent them a message about their lack of doing anything and just got an “oh”. I went completely oom by the end of this fight with no available cd’s to do anything about it.


They had 0 dps and 0 hps until the very very end of the fight. Like when the boss died. After that fight they dropped raid and logged out.  I don’t get it, maybe it was some angry version of making me prove it could be two healed?   But I meant with a full 10 man raid, with everyone actively participating, not 9 people with 1 doing nothing. No one expects to 2 heal an 8 person raid.  We did get him down but what the fuck.

I won these shoulders for transmog though, they are AWESOME for my masterwork set.


Bad healers

I think I’ll make this thread about my healers, since I have three now.

We’ve had to pug healers in our last few raids and the selection of puggable healers has been pretty poor.  We did regular Firelands with a shaman healer, who of course won the BOE sword, who seemed to be just randomly pushing cool down skills for no particular reason at random times.  Spirit link totem seemed to be dropped on CD, chain heal was cast when only one person was damaged, water shield wasn’t kept up half of the time, etc etc. During Beth they also said they would go up with the tank then did not, so he died, the second time they went up but they both died from lack of heals anyway.  I went up for my first time a few days ago and no one died so, it’s not hard. I did win Eye of Blazing Power though which I replaced Foul Gift of the Demon Lord with.  The mastery is nice but eh gonna try it like this.

The disciple priest that apparently has  been a normal member of the team with Relentless, I’ve had to work with to get their healing up.  Their spec was a bizzare mix of the smite healing but with no archangel, had no points in Twin Discipline, no Desperate Prayer, or Inspiration. Got them to put points in Twin Disc but they chose to get darkness instead of desp prayer/insp which is still ok.  I personally consider at least Desp prayer a must. We also had to work on rotation since they were doing mostly flash healing, and how to use mass dispel on the ping-pong boss since they were often doing 0% of the dispels. We finally did get that boss mostly because they started mass dispelling, at least to me that made the huge difference.

Anyway last night we picked up this fool, a holy priest, who was using a pvp trinket (the insignia of the alliance variety), and three pieces of pvp gear.  That in itself should have been a clue about their skill but they probably could have still done ok.


However, they were apparently playing it like a disc priest. A bad one.  Trash was healed with nothing but Greater Heal and Divine Hymn, mending was rarely used, circle of healing was not used at all, lightwell was almost never put down, renew was never used, and they had no idea what I was talking about when I told them to put down Sanctuary, which was also never used. When I pm’d them about it asking for the “aoe floor heal” they replied “I’m using prayer of healing then divine hymn”.  Uh, ok.  I also never saw HW serenity going off which probably means they were in Santuary chakra but not making use of circle of healing or HW sanctuary, and of course were not using renew.

We got Hagara anyway but not Ultraxion thanks to people constantly failing on pushing the button.  The paladin and I could have easily two healed it so it’s a shame we couldn’t have replaced the priest with another dps, and we probably would have gotten it the one time we got it to about 3 mill hp.

Do we know this fight?

Was scheduled to do Rag last night with Relentless but we couldn’t even get to the last phase and didn’t make it past the first seed, come to think of it. People clearly did not know the fight, and I realize not everyone does it the same but I felt they were over complicating it. They had the DK tank on the left where the melee normally stand, and Cinor was sort of right of the center. People frequently got hit by the flame waves and traps were hit with what seemed to be no regard to what the tanks health was at the time. They marked a spot in near Rag to stack on after the seeds dropped, then wanted people to move to the back afterwards. This was overly complicated and I suggested just standing to the sides like my team use to do then stacking in the front. However this also did not work since people frequently stacked too early and dropped their seeds on… the stack point, wiping it. So was just a waste of time really.

Did 6/8 LFR today and finally won a shoulder token. I am breaking my 4pc set already and I will sorely miss my little Cauterizing Flame 4pc bonus. It was just cool. I have DS 10 tonight with Relentless so I’ll hold off buying any VP stuff on the off chance I win a drop.

That’s a lot of Fire

Did a LFR with Maice even though I could not roll on loot, which went well.  Afterwards I was asked by Rexe to come heal a normal FL.  We started with Beth which we two healed and I put out something like 22k hps to get through that, barely, had to pop every mana CD I had.  We skipped Shannox and went to Rhyo which went poorly,


and after 3 wipes I think it was, I said I had to go.  It was late and I’m not terribly keen on making progress on normal raids when I have the heroics under my belt.