Tag Archive | Wintergrasp

Don’t afk around me

It’s not a good idea.


I took the fort 1v5.  That shouldn’t have happened but you know ally.  I escaped through the port because they had 3 on me, I actually didn’t mean to but misclicked.  I don’t think they expected me to come back.  I also wrecked the mage at the small ally camp a little after, thanks to a preemptive Hardened Shell. I love that thing.

8 Boxing in Halaa

As this expansion kind of wafts on and on, it’s been more annoying in wPvP running into the raid-geared folks, I’m talking 560 item level or higher, with the legendary cloak in particular.  These people just hit like a truck and have ridiculous health pools 600-700k for casters and healers.  My druid who is rocking full grievous (522) is at 493k.

Now I’ve been on my hunter more often than not, where I use my grievous bow and a trinket, and my mix of flex and LFR gear.  I’m not a dummy, I don’t want to wear my pvp gear and be a  good SIXTY item levels behind people but it doesn’t make it right.  Sometimes I have to take advantage of this guy, even though I detest multi-boxers.


He usually evens things up.  Thanks to the gear disparity, it usually takes 2-3x the people in pvp gear, to beat down a normal geared raider.  We actually had a heroic geared raider, an enhancement shaman in WG earlier in the week.  He literally decimated 60% of my health before I could blink.  Repeatedly.  POW gone.

Today Deadmeen and I ran into a 563ish boomkin, who blew both of us out of our shoes and then healed up like a resto.  Frustrating.  And this was throwing absolutely everything I had at them.  Off heals are messed up pretty bad I’d have to say.  It’s a little something else when you see a shaman try to melt your face off while ascending and then start healing like a resto shaman instantly after an elemental blast.


Anyway.  I tried 2v2s with Deadmeen but we lost 4 in a row before I had to cry uncle.  He didn’t have the dps nor the survivability for it, currently.  He does make good use of death grip though, which seems to be rather uncommon for Dks. Gear and some experience should fix all that.

Why do people always spit in pvp btw?


You attack a low level town, I’m going to kill you until you leave.  Or at least try.  Dat pve gear, sometimes I have to suck it up and leave.  It’s fortunately uncommon for a well geared pver to harass low level towns though.

Boarthrills and Pool Ponies

I’ve been running into Boarthrills, a hunter, a lot in WG, and TB, and one day we grouped up around Hellfire/Nagrand killing ally.  We later grouped with Deadmeen who I’ve been helping gear up on Timeless Isle.



Eventually Alliance brought a disc priest, 2 hunters, and a rogue.  Wariorhunt, an ally hunter, was basically unkillable with 565+ pve gear though.

I got Boar on battletags and got them both in vent one night and stayed up waaaaaaaaaay too late doing world pvp.


Also, I found it odd that this workshop in WG only had one guard, and he was sleeping.

This is usually  how the battles go, however.


WG is rather hard to defend sometimes since vehicles often slip past you completely invisible.  I posted in the bug forums, but there was an instance where I was in the fort waiting for their demo to come by, and it went THROUGH me completely invisible and even didn’t show on hunter tracking until it was well past me.  I noticed I’ve done that myself driving vehicles, where I see an enemy player and they run past me like I don’t even exist.

Ran a WG with Crux and finally got the Armani battle-bear.


Also ran flex 1-2 with Moo and the guild, and came out with a flex bow, trinket, necklace and gloves.

And, Don’t question my genius!  The pool pony was the best!


Mo Pets

Camped Karkin on and off today and finally got him. Zarcowie-Hellscream was helping me watch earlier and I helped him tame Kirix.




Shortly after I took this I killed a hunter with better gear than me, with a terrible rogue on my ass, then killed the rogue as a druid showed up.  Then I just left, I’m not that awesome.


Well it seems Fratricide is taking over the spot of Ladiesman, at least for now.  Had Iocane and Annebelle  in WG one run and he showed up, and he requested I let him kill Iocane.  I said I couldn’t very well do that!  She was unable to kill him though and I don’t think he died until another DK joined in.  He almost got me once and I was tempted to port in the fort, but got off a fear and healed up again. But yeah, new horde friend in pvp.


There was much speculation in guild and raid during and after that battle, about how he moved so fast, hit so hard, so hard to kill.  I’ve seen pallies bounce around like they some how stole Killing Spree before in WG but I think it’s lag related.  He also has the heroic 2 hander from Spine and full cata pvp gear so that’s really all it was.  He keeps telling me I should faction change.

And to be clear, this is in no way a replacement for my rogues 😛