Tag Archive | Bastion of Twilight

Problim in the Alliance Camp

Some horde trained Problim all the way to the alliance camp the other day, which, wow, I didn’t know he would path that far.



So few things, honor has been boosted with the new patch quite a bit


Acks on his hunter named his pet after me


I had an epic TIE game in Twin Peaks where I solo killed a mage and a hunter myself as well.

Last night we tried Heroic Halfus but only gave it 2 tries, then buzzed all the way through to Cho’gall, and I finally got my healing offhand from the Ascendant Council, and got my T11 shoulders, for my 4pc bonus, from Cho’gall.


The shoulders are still ugly.   I was told again my healing is too low, again with comments prior to Cho’gall that we would never be able to heal it unless we had such and such disc healer, etc.  After the raid I was asked to talk to that healer, who doesn’t play holy, so I don’t see how that would help.  I did redo my spec slightly, removing talents that don’t matter any more like the one that lowers the reuse on chakra, and changed two glyphs to have more charges on lightwell, and the 60% boost to the first ping of prayer of mending.

I sent Zukk, that orc unholy DK a message on my horde, with my usual “damn you’re a beast huh” message on it.  They replied that it’s nice to get a good message and not the usual “u suck” stuff.

At my last TB I also ran into Soundwave, a horde paladin I use to see in WG a lot, and also Shayo, who I haven’t seen since WG I think either.

Better than Sharding

Last night we ran an alt group in BoT in which I took my mage, and got down the first 2 bosses. I have 359 gloves, pants, belt, boots, and one trinket, conquest pvp weapon, wand, off hand, dungeon robe and shoulders, and normal dungeon necklace, head, cape, etc. My gear is kind of sad, so I need to start working on this char again. I picked up a good pve weapon, which I enchanted with pretty Power Torrent, and got a robe that belongs to healers, but they were going to shard it and I asked for it, since it was still an upgrade and I could reforge the spirit to hit anyway.

RNG hates me

Got Cho’gall down tonight, YAY! Lost the roll on the nice trinket though. I threw a fit at the start about pugs, but it was clear a bit into it they knew what they were about and got it down. So, Jan was right about it tonight. I forgot to take any pictures, was tired, and in pain from being a stupid ass on roller blades and falling on cement, and hitting my back in a bad way. Was told I should talk to another priest about getting better hps, said someone with worse gear gets 13k hps. I… am not really sure how someone could sustain that but if it’s possible I wouldn’t mind hearing it. I just see no reason to throw heals when no one needs it and I’m not expecting damage.

But, I decided to go reforge my stuff into holy stats rather than trying to balance for disc, since I really only pvp as disc, and reforge mastery into haste and spirit. That should help.

Could it get any worse?

Wasn’t really happy about the raid last night.  SJ and I talked about how the raid was half pugs in the morning, and agreed that would not fly.  Tonight however Jan wanted to put a group together anyway. I said I did not want to run if it was half pugs, he said it would not be.  I dropped the 3v3 I was doing with Rashill and Leonz to join up, and sure enough, it was HALF PUGS.  I griped about this in officer chat and he said they are not pugs, they are friends.  I said PUGS, are anyone who is not a member of the guild.  He said they were all good and it was a good group.


Ugh.  Victory or Whatever killed Halfus shortly after we did, and when we were still mucking around at the twin dragons, they were on Cho’gall.  Some people continued to die to stupid avoidable mistakes, and naturally the pugs won all the BOE items.   The druid Jan invited, Peri, won the staff of mending worth around 20k, and “lost power” after the first fight and never came back.  So, another raid run where I got nothing.  We got up to Cho’gall but it was late and I wasn’t about to attempt it with some random ass group.  This will be the last raid I run with so many pugs it’s no longer a “guild” group.

Ascendent Council

Let’s see, starting to get days messed up.  On Friday we ran everything in BWD except Magmaw, which was already done, and of course Nef, then cleared out BoT up to the council, which went poorly and then we called it.


Today the raid didn’t even get going since we were missing 2 people, and first decided to wait an hour for someone to show up, and then tried to get replacements which didn’t work out. It was called at about an hour 15.

I ran my daily dungeon, then ran arena with Leonz on his team.  I could have done better, as disc, but we capped for the week anyway and I picked up my Vicious pants.  Pretty good considering that I haven’t played disc in a while, and we are newly partnered. During one of the fights, with a priest named Desasteress, they pm’d me with “gg” and “<— rayslayz” which I totally remember from messing with him in TB. The guy has like full vicious gear and, at the time, a 1800 arena rating.  I tell them I am impressed and he says he’s thinking about going back to Alliance. Says he has a rogue too, well, you don’t say! I seem to have misplaced my rogue. Anyway I try to carry the convo a little but then someone else msg’s me and says he just left, apparently they were having a lan party and drinking at someone else’s house.  I log in my horde to say hello, then call it a night.