Tag Archive | Wintergrasp

Bloodyslayer and just called to say YOU SUCK

Ran rbgs last night and we won 2 and lost, 5, I think?  But I asked to go on my mage because let’s be honest healing all the time gets old.

Ha ha, you like that?  Nah it never gets old I just want to get points on my mage since the priest has no use for them now.  Plus change just in general is nice.

Yesterday I ran into this guy and a few others during WG, and mowed them all down like grass as arcane, including 3 of their sieges.  Afterwards he came back and I killed him a few times when he was occupying himself with a DK, but once he turned his attention to me I had to run a lot.


Then he switched to an alliance character just to tell me how bad I was.  I just shrugged and basically said you are right, I haven’t played this character in a long while and I need practice.  We talked a little bit after that about random bg stuff.  The following day when I was banging bgs all day long for practice, and tweaking my keybinds and such to perform better, the person came back and apologized for being so rude and said it was uncalled for.  I think someone may have found out I have no penis.  Just a guess.  At any rate I think I made another rogue friend XD

Rayslayz is an ass

Did two WG’s today, one with Rayslayz in the group, who told me not to heal this one hunter because they were bad. But he was rude and pushy as per usual. We nearly took the fort but I could not MC and fear enough to keep a priest and shaman off his vehicle.

The second time we were COMPLETELY pinned down by a mage named Lolfrostbolt and that brutal DK Bitternbern. If your partners are under leveled, and under geared, 1-2 good geared players can wipe out even 5 bad ones, and your vehicles absolutely don’t stand a chance.


Yesterday I mentioned to Rexe that I was in WG alone and he came along. We defended the fort no problem since I think there was only a horde warlock running around.


The next time we had 5 active people, and the battle was quite fun that time, with horde having instant sieges, and managed to break into the inner courtyard.  I had help from a paladin and 2 warlocks breaking up the vehicles, and the warrior was taking down the towers.  The warlocks shadowed me nearly the entire raid so we had no issues even busting up 3-4 sieges that rolled in at regular intervals.


I had also noticed earlier that Rexe had a cute little pet cub, which he told me you can get in Winterspring, so I went and got one.


It sits down after a while, and will fall asleep if you are idle too long.  I have noticed though that if it sleeps, you have to walk quite a distance away before it “wakes up” and comes back to you.

At night we ran a few battlegrounds with guildies, Pala, Apollo, Alex, Acks, and Tet I think, and got IoC twice, won on, lost one.  This just made me laugh out loud.


After that I ran the new instance, ZG with Seanjohn and Fist.  Fist seems to have a bit of the “go go” impatience that I don’t care for in instances.  He need rolled on two wands that were only slightly worse than the one I spend 3 months raiding to get.  That burns a little.  I had read in forums that some healers didn’t need to use flash heal AT ALL in these dungeons/raids but yeah, lies.  I did hit that coveted “14k heals” mark on the poison boss though.


If we had 2 healers for some reason, I wouldn’t have since I try to work with the other healer and not just spam the charts.  We got that instance done, even though we went through like 4 tanks.

After that I grouped up with Rexe’s group in ZA, and for the first time went in their vent and heard everyone.  That run was pretty rough, and we were not able to get down the boss that transforms into animals.  We kept getting the lynx and the enraged swipe thing it did, there was no outhealing it, at all.  Putting guardian spirit on the person wasn’t enough, the boss would rip through that and still kill the player.  The only way we managed to survive it was to throw guardian spirit AND the paladins hand of protection but of course the next time they did it, we were out of CDs.  We wiped on that a number of times then it was too late and we stopped.

I had at least 200g in repairs for a run that I really don’t need anything from. I think they need to tone it down A LITTLE since from a healing stand point, at this time, it’s harder than normal mode Chimaeron.

Bugged out Turret

Fished out in TB today to get enough raid food together, and ran into Acks, did some friendly insulting back and forth and such.  Also ran into an Arenamaster warrior, named something like Jonnyboy when getting into fights with Ladiesman.  I got a spriest killed by tempting them to come too close to the guards, who now have a more reasonable aggro range too.  My mage now has 5/5 vicious cloth pieces, weapon, off hand, wand, and will keep working on the rest of the items.  I am not that good as a frost mage really, maybe I’m set up wrong or something, because I don’t feel my damage output is really there.  I like my fire spec though, and I doubt I’ll go back to arcane if I ever raid.

During on of my WG runs, a persistent rogue kept breaking up my sieges, but at one point the turrent fell on the ground and I was still able to get into it and fire.


I was also the only person in the raid group, and for some reason, while I was running around looking for horde npcs to kill, I was removed from raid, for what reason I don’t even know, though I got to stay in the area.  Alexmx came with and was in his own separate raid too.  We didn’t take it this time.


Ran a WG today and was disappointed to see I was the only alliance in the group but the horde already had 4/24 vehicles and had 4 people out and about.  How does that happen?  We had 4 alliance get in and then just leave?  I ended up running into a paladin named Rinni, who is a member of the team I am on Leonz with.  We fought against a hunter, a warlock, and a paladin for quite a long while, and when I mentioned the unfairness of the situation, Janusz joined.


Things went better at that point and we ‘wasted’ the battle fighting 3v3 against Ukko, a shaman, a really bad rogue, and the warlock, until it was just down to the shaman and rogue against Jan and I.  We beat them down after that point.  We kept fighting for at least 20 minutes afterward just for fun and it turns out that Rinni knows Ukko. Small world. I mention that I’ve known Ukko since WG was the place to be and that I thought he was quite good.  Apparently he has a 2100 rating in 2’s.  We do some wargames, which I guess are like skirmishes, but get rolled every single time by Ukko and a paladin, who I learned are brothers.