Tag Archive | Horde

Yolo RBGs Have Been Terrible Lately

Now I understand why people were skeptical about me getting 1700 in what was essentially yolo’s.  Oh my gosh the groups have been terrible.  Like worse than random terrible.  I ran three on my druid last night and lost ALL THREE.  So, see this?


The other team was so bad that I was allowed to stand back here and heal so hard I went OOM and not get touched, but we still couldn’t hold a base.  I think my rating is something like 950, but only because of those 2 awesome wins the other day.  Otherwise it would be 50, or… 100.

I boosted my warrior to 90 and I’m trying out fury.  I guess arms is better but whatever, I want to learn fury.  Warriors are fun, and have so many skills; it’s kind of ridiculous.

I also want to go back to Dragon Soul to get the Deep Earth druid set, it’s pretty.

Well, this just won’t do

Met 2 rogues the other day.  One, Ayita, I ran into killing an ally rogue who kept harassing Thunderbluff.


I killed that guy 2-3 times, once with a shell, and another time after a rez and his vanishes were on CD.


Then later I ran into another rogue at Crossroads, who I got to half health and they ran out.  I flew off to wack them but the second I landed I got sapped.  I was amused and said “clever girl”.  Shortly after I got a btag invite.   We sort of hit it off, so to speak.



Killed a spriest twice that came out there with him, then had to kill him once when he was attacking a horde healer.  I may have made an alliance rogue friend though, I feel dirty.  I don’t like friending people that don’t like to fight when we meet on opposite factions.  Stupid feelings get hurt.

Just a vicious asshole

I was out in Halaa the other day, and shot a level 60 something druid out of the sky, then tested sticking a disengage landing.  Didn’t take a lick of damage.  Then of course I got a rager raging about pvp happening.  Hint: We’re on a pve server, if you don’t flag I can’t hit you.


Then had some fun with 90’s on the ground.  Not very good 90’s but hey I’ll take it.


Later I was doing premades with a group I met on the forums, we won 4 ABs in a row.  This warrior would NOT shut up about how bad we were doing, so I took a look at his gear.  Mostly Timeless stuff, not enchanted.  Then I get this.  I’ve never heard of people comparing death counts and using it as a bragging right, just saying.


First Alliance Compliment

I was out in Halaa today between bg queues again, and ran into a level 63 warlock, I forget the name, Herb something I think.  Killed them several times.  The one DK, and another DK showed up.  Killed them both.


After one rezzed up and I killed them again, a disc priest showed up.  I knew I was licked at that point and just kind of “LOL’d” around a bit before perching on my regular spot.  The disc priest logged over to compliment me, then helped retake Halaa.


They mentioned that a hard core pvp guild, named Scipe or something like that, shows up sometimes.  I don’t recall that guild.

Later though, we ran into this mage, and 2 hunters that just destroyed me.  The damage itself wasn’t that bad, but the BLANKET FUCKING SILENCES omg fuck it.  That and a 1,000 yard run from Halaa to Garadar was annoying.

They took for fucking ever to die also.  I tried to pop HotW and finish off the hunter when they were at 10% but I couldn’t even dent them, ridiculous.


But I will say I still enjoy wpvp immensely because of the variety in landscapes, being able to fly, knock people off stuff, dismount them in the air, and  escape without running into walls.

I think I figured out flag guarding

So between regular and rated bgs (bad ones) I think I have a grip on who guards flags. I think people go through the following things:

1)  Is no one at the base guarding it?

Good, someone else can do it.

2)  I’m the only one at the base but I’m going to leave because

Someone else can do it.

3)  I ran like hell to get the flag but I’m not going to guard it because

Someone else can do it.

4) I’m at a base but the enemy is coming, I’m gonna run off because

Someone else can do it.

I did have a very good yolo tonight though that were calling incs in AB and aoeing like a boss.  That makes me happy.