Tag Archive | Wintergrasp


I need a few hundred honor more for another Wrathful piece, so I run EotS which we lose like always, then WSG which was a decent run but we lost.  I still don’t understand why people can see someone sapped, especially a healer, and just run away.  I’ve also experienced a decent amount of people, usually DK’s, that are fighting a horde with me assisting on heals, then they bail as the horde turns to me and just run away.  That, sucks.

After that I get another Strand, and earn Ancient Courtyard Protector achievement, and we win!  I have enough honor for my Wrathful Satin robe now, and I was going to replace that last but there’s nothing stopping me from just saving the pretty Relentless so I went with the robe upgrade.


Going to try to keep the graphics quality up too but I have to turn it down in some raids, especially Marrowgar because it makes it next to impossible to move.

I run a few more BGs and try to take some action screenshots but as in all games making pretty pvp shots makes your skills suffer greatly.  Here is me getting whomped in Strand by some orc brute


and another of me dancing around a blood elf rogue (again!)


and just a mage that made me want muffins


I fraps’d part of an Ancients battle but the way I pvp is not very pretty, both using raid frames and health bars to heal, so either it looks awful to watch or hiding the bars, I don’t heal so well. That or it’s zoomed out too far to be very pretty.

There’s been no one on in guild all morning, no friends on. I log out.

The ICC 25 this time takes only an hour to get together, and we start off trying Marrowgar on heroic.  This will be my first time on 25 heroic anything besides Gunship.   Some tards pull him right away and wipe it. Then on the way back in, someone triggers a trap.  The bear tank starts arguing about how it should be done, in addition to being annoying with an add on that tells everyone what they did wrong or how they died.


I die on the second attempt on a bone spike no one was killing. Then the bear tank pulls trash when no one is ready and quite a few people die. Sigh. Then the fail bear tank says he forgot his girlfriend was coming over, and had to leave.  There was much mocking of that needless to say.  Prior to all this I am discussing gear with Nilvana/Maice and I say I still have a 245 ring. I lose the roll on the ring from Marrowgar, but then win Ring of Maddening Whispers from Deathwhisper, which was probably better for me anyway.

Flipping to heroic gunship resets trash, again. Annoying.  I do not win the roll for the mark off Saurfang, but Nilvana/Maice gives me his winning one. WOO! Now I can upgrade my robe to sanct, two ugrades in one night, SWEET.

It seems most people don’t listen to loot rules when it’s one main spec need, and they win something, then immediately roll need on something else too. They say it applies per wing but with 25 people if someone hasn’t won something, that seems unfair to someone who has won, so I do not roll on Trauma. I do roll on Holiday’s Grace however but don’t win.


We get down Putricide and I get 25 Plagueworks.

Then on Blood Queen, people can’t seem to handle the biting and we wipe, then the second try some stupid dps bites me, and I bite someone but the rest get MC’d and we wipe again. And again, and again.


We did get her down with most of everyone dead, though I stayed up with another healer, one tank, and a few dps. Got the 25 man achievement there too. And won another mark!  Gonna be using up all my gems tonight looks like.

We also get down Dreamwalker so there is another achievement. I go get my gloves, upgrade to sanct, then upgrade my robe too. Place the gems and enchants, and it’s late as well so I GO TO BED!


I loot yer bones!

This morning I transmute a Skyflare Diamond, then grab my herb bag to go herb-ing. I head out to WG to pick herbs and then start up on the battle.

Near the end of it I run into a BE Paladin named Chillbrosy (prot/holy) just sitting on a mammoth doing nothing, so I take this as an opening to toss a Penance, Holy Fire, and start smiting. At half health he wakes up and starts attacking back, and we start dancing around each other making little progress since he appears to be on holy spec and any damage either of us do we just heal up.  A little later another Alliance joins in on the fight, then 3-4 others and we finally get the guy down. /kiss!

As I’m still out there herbing I start getting irritated at the “such and such is under attack” that keeps spamming the area. I head to Westpark and there is a damn horde rogue attacking MY NPCS!  I kill her!  And loot her bones!


I then run into another BE rogue who was fishing named Bayler, and Penance, Holy Fire Smite Smite Smite until he uses some rogue trickery to dive in the water and hide. He comes out later and I /wave


Handsome devil! Of course when he gets too close to me in the air and starts jockeying around I sniff trouble coming up and swoop higher, than watch him land, dismount and vanish.  Yes, you rogues are trouble and I like it XD

I create some elixirs and send them to Stout, then create some Flasks and post those on the Auction House.   On the way to the bank I pick up the quests from Erunak Stonespeaker for Stormwind Keep and trips to Ironforge.  On a non porting class, sigh. I head to the tram.


and just miss the last one.


while running around there WG comes up, but we lose it thanks to them throwing way way too many vehicles at us. I go back to the fort and spit on them.  I then run a WSG which starts out promising but we lose when one of the dumb people with the flag runs away from everyone, and I cannot outheal him seeing that he has 4 horde beating him to death. We lose. ugh.

Later I get into WG with 3 mins to go, and we’re just getting our asses handed to us.  I watch a horde hunter 1-2 shot everyone within reach, including myself, through bubbles and everything.  We only had about 12 people there but they must have had insane tenacity.  Ugh.

I run a AV after and we win.  I had to ask Plewps to explain that BG to me, since I never really liked it or got how it functioned.  The next run I can’t find anyone to heal and we lose.  Not because of that, but it was fruitless on my part.

I run my daily which is CoS, after which I  get in on a VOA 10 that didn’t start, I can’t find a weekly run, I go PVP again.  I get AV again, run into the boss room at the last second, Divine Hymn everyone through it and we win. After that is a Isle of Conquest and we get raped, like no dinner no movie raped.  With both hands.  That sounds awful doesn’t it? But it wasn’t pretty.  Next up is AV, AGAIN. We lose suddenly for whatever reason.

I get in on a weekly finally which is in Naxxramas, an easy one. Noth the Plaguebringer.


and this is a goofy shot I got because they pulled him when I was using Mind Vision.


After that I ran a quick WG and we won. I think I’ve had enough for today.

So bad dude

I watched a fascinating video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU6ntX7Dar4)  the other day about battleground bots, which I have noticed myself in the form of people who auto follow, stand and just keep renewing themselves, or people that just barely keep off the afk flag by running back and forth. What this guy pointed out about them earning more honor was very curious to me, I mean how does the game determine who gets what honor?

Before I get to that, I decided to set my talents to the Holy tree, so I’ll have disc and holy raiding abilities.  I test out my skills in battlegrounds like I usually do to get my key binds memorized before getting to any raids.  We get Strand and we lose, and I have earned only 40 honor, even as the top healer by about  100,000 hp.  My HK’s are only 24 but another alliance with the same HK’s as me, 7 more killing blows (I had zero naturally) also earned 40. Hm.   All in all I don’t do too badly, though I feel the lack of Penance just a bit.

I also run two WG’s, one on attack where we barely take it, another with excellent defense.


I spent a good part of my time at Broken Temple helping about 3-4 others break down any vehicles coming out of there, and we take it and I hop a trip back on a demo to the fort.


At one point along the roads I also got to do something I find very important, which is finding a person trying to kill a horde, someone no one is helping, and assist them survive the 1v1.  It appeared to be against a BE paladin too, though I didn’t catch the name, I popped him with a Penance at the end anyway and he died. We win at defending!  Recount shows 50% healing which I know isn’t 100% accurate here. But.  Still!

Later I log in, and seeing that only a few people are on, not even the raid leader, are on at 8:30 when the VOA or weekly was supposed to start, I get in a VOA 25 pug.  It goes well and we get all the bosses down.  During this, the whiner mage from guild leaves guild with no warning.  Yeah, I called that days ago. I hate mages.  Remind me to send Rexe flowers or something though. I miss out on the guild weekly again.

After VOA I run WG and again killed Omnist in the fort solo. Again!  Dude, terrible, seriously. I was disc spec.  We win!

Remember weekly raids quests?

I then head back to Dalaran, and the weekly is Lord Jaraxxus, ugh.  It’s not terribly hard but it requires moderate raid coordination and requires downing Icehowl before getting to him, so sometimes it goes horribly wrong.

I transmute another gem and I should get them cut, since I’m up to  12 just on Ocyla and Silver has at least 5 too. I need 5 more honor to get my pvp staff.  I like the 2 handed weapons just because well, less bag space. And it’s priestly-er.

Anyway I get Strand of the Ancients and somehow, even being feared, stunned, sapped, silenced and basically rendered completely and utterly useless the entire fight, we win!  I go from 2545 honor to 2683 and have enough for my staff.

I run WG and we are attacking this time.  Apparently some people find it hard to communicate because the people on the west side are not telling anyone they are working on the walls, but when I say we’re working on center door, they then say they are on third and need help.  They repeatedly say this even when we are in the inner courtyard.  Dumb asses.  We win!

Later I run a WSG and we lose, though I stayed alive quite a significant amount of time, despite being cycloned and silenced repeatedly.

I ran my daily which is Nexus and I’m not sure who is tanking because everyone is taking considerable damage and taking turns pulling.  They then pull 2 of the lizard guys in the front with them into the end bosses room, plus the 2 already in there, and unfreeze the dragon.  I had to pop fing divine hymn to get us out of that.  Nonsnse!

I then ran a random bg and get EoTS, with the horde running in a solid pack throughout all the bases.  It looks like we may win for a while with someone directing but like usual we lose.  At one point I did chase off a boomkin who was trying to kill an afk shaman rather than me playing live.  So, I guess that was good.

Why does the cat lady have a cleaver?

This morning I note with some horror that I’ve never completed the map of the area around Stormwind, as I head out to the cat lady’s house to get a few cat carriers.

So um.  Why does a lady with a house full of cats stand around holding a bloody cleaver?

Anyway I clear out the blank areas and get the Exploring Elwynn Forest achievement.  Also I’d like to note that last night I picked up the Sliver of Pure Ice trinket and Scourgelord’s Baton.

I queue for for a random and get Culling of Strathholme (CoS).

This goes awry when the tank wants to take on the timed boss and Malganis at the same time.  Unfortunately someone didn’t talk to Arthas to get him to under the gate area so when the tank runs in with the time dragon we can’t start the other fight too.  We burn down that boss then they run back to get Arthas, only he’s way way back at the end of that inn you run through.  I was still waiting just before the last boss with the shaman so the rest of the party starts going down. I attempt to run through the massive trash that has respawned and die quickly despite shield and mending set up.

Before I can run back to the last boss they engage it and with the shaman healing they get it down.  The tank, a paladin (Sargeros-Ravencrest) asks if I got my badge or not, I say yes.  He said he was willing to requeue with me if I had missed it.  Aw, so very nice.  Love paladins!

I finally replace my PVP cloak with a PVE one, Volde’s Cloak of the Night Sky. I run a WG afterwards since it starts shortly. Oh also? This guy? Best name combo EVER, I told him so in a whisper XD