The other day got in a AB that alliance was winning, won it shortly after. Then got a in a WSG they were already winning, won it a few seconds after I got in. Then went on to win every bg except one IoC. Nice
Tag Archive | Dungeons
This needs to be a skill
I wish I had a skill to do this to horde in pvp.
I’m starting to think that running regular heroics are a joke any more. I got Deadmines, we wiped on the thresher boss, left that group, got a horrible Stonecore group where we wiped at least 5x then I left. Queued up got DM again, left right away. Queued up again, got DM. Ran that, wiped on thresher 2x, quit. Queued again, got DM again. Wiped on first boss, quit. Got BRC at second boss, got that down, wiped on trash right after when the talk pulled a mess out of LoS and the damage was overwhelming. They were going for the Arrested Development achievement on Corla, so I did get that. That whole group left before the third boss, got a new group, finished that one. So for 4 hours, got one dungeon done, on regular.
The night was considerably better. I got in an in progress Stonecore, at Ozruk, and the tank died straight away. He got kicked and we got a new DK and we finished it. I queued up again and got an in progress Lost City. This group included a rogue named Kurric from Stormreaver who asked me how Action 9 News was, and said they had played on Whisperwind for nearly 4 years, prior to Wrath. We had a long conversation about the guilds he was in, what guilds are doing what on WW, why he left, so on and so forth. During that run I got the Kill It With Fire! achievement. We were talking so much he asked me not to leave the group if I wanted to run another, which I did.
So we ran VP, carrying on the entire time, and by the end of it I ended up with a new real id, rogue friend.
What’s up with me and rogues? I dunno, but I like them!
Got my gloves and now I have a 2pc t12 set. yay!
Rhyolith Down
I need about 250 vp to getting a new robe so I decided to do some of the Z dungeons. Ended up with a cool group in ZA talking about Final Fantasy games. And, I really, REALLY do not understand how anyone could have like FF8, much less label it their favorite out of all of them. I really can’t. Characters were all awful, story was AWFUL, having to drain magic spells from mobs was tedious as hell. Ugh.
I’ve noticed a trend lately though, where people who cause wipes in a dungeon group, leave. Like every time lately. Today a DK pulled a pathing mob, got 2 of us killed and then left. A warlock got us killed not one shotting a scout, and left.
Got my Robe of the Cleansing Flame after a really annoying ZG. We wiped on the last boss 4x and the only reason it wasn’t a 5th was because I got body slammed every single time and I know what to do. And, you know what irony is? Irony is having a tank who had to be taught the fight because he didn’t know it, tell the DK who also didn’t know the fight how to do it, and that DK who missed every single body slam, then tell ME when to stand in the bubble.
After about 2 hours on Rhyolith, we got him down, finally. Think it mostly had to do with, well, a few things. One was topping everyone off before the stomp, another was letting his molten armor stacks drop so the stomp didn’t bring everyone to their knees regardless of health. So a combination of both of those things, after the stomp, healing was not a prob. Nothing for me dropped though.
Then we went on to try Alysrazor
but, yeah, huge movement fight. It took me a while to figure out that to survive the massive tornados that all I had to do was basically run in a little looping circle, following a tornado, turn, follow tornado, turn, repeat. Got her to about 60%.
Alright I saw Almasi with the new draenei hairstyle, at least I think it’s new, and I stole it! On both draenei!
But, to be fair, it looks similar to my dwarfs hair in Lineage 2, and I loved that hairstyle.
Ran two dungeons today, and man trash took so long on some encounters I nearly fell asleep while healing. I don’t feel like doing any troll dungeons for a while so I’m doing regulars, but I end up carrying people in low gear. It hasn’t been too bad but it often is as bad as raid healing.
A lot of people were looking for healers for RBGs today, and unfortunately I picked the wrong group, We had a 10 year old who kept asking what the strategy was before we entered anything, an idiot who couldn’t connect to the server, couldn’t change channels in vent, etc, and we lost Gilneas, which some people hated for some reason, by 2000.. to ZERO. Yes, we had zero resources. I logged out after that. Half the group was supposed to stay at LH with me, I only had 2 people, we some how had 4 people mark themselves as healers, and no one was peeling the shadow priest who keep mcing me over and over. I mean after I realized no one knew what they were doing I just broke LoS, but damn. I honestly don’t know what the problem is with Gilneas either, seriously, what? It’s just like Arathi to me.
Firelord Set
I needed about 70 more justice points to get my firelord pants, to complete the 4pc t11 set on this character, so i queued for a regular dungeon. We got heroic throne of tides again, and the hunter repeatedly kept using AOE which was breaking my sheep on the casting mobs constantly. Then after the first boss for some reason, the entire party dropped except the hunter and I. They were replaced by players all doing 8k dps or lower, so I left, and bought my pants. So I’m at t11 4pc on both chars now.