Tag Archive | Dungeons

Caverns of Time

While I was waiting on a dungeon queue, I ran a little quest through the caverns of time, which look pretty bad assed now.


Ugh, the randomness of… randoms, is crazy sometimes. Leonz and I queued for for a Z dungeon and first got one at the very last boss which we one shotted.

Next one we pulled, and the tank died.  Why? Because the healer, was SHADOW. They swore they queued as dps but with a ret pally, prot pally, hunter, and me, obviously they must have chosen healing too. Plus they had the healing symbol on them.  So the tank died the first trash pull because NO ONE was healing.  Leonz must have tanked through it because the rest of us didn’t die.  The healer switched to disc, but went completely OOM the next trash pull by bubbling the entire party, and then bizarrely casting BW Barrier on the same trash.

Now, normally I will not mock a healer if it looks like they are trying, or it’s the tank fault, or something.  I think the last time I had was back in early Wrath.  But this guy, holy shit.  As I watched them go to 2% mp by casting shields constantly, I mentioned that it’s clear they don’t know disc healing.  They told me to shut my face and that they would manage their mp.  I told the tank that the healer clearly had no idea what they were doing, and on the first boss the healer again went OOM at about 50% health on the boss, by basically throwing every heal and shield they had at all the wrong times.  I said, after we all wiped, that it was clear as day they had NFI what they were doing, and they dropped stating they “weren’t a good group healer”. No joke.

After that, the hunter stated they had never been to this dungeon before, and the new tank we got said they were fresh full of 346’s.  We did ok but I ended up jetting when we died on another boss twice, because it was fireworks time.

Later I queued for a dungeon myself and got an all guild group from Torn, on Gorefiend, and we just TORE ZA UP.  Was a good run, but haven’t gotten anything I could equip in a while. That reminds me I must replace my BLUE necklace now…

Defender of a Shattered World

Got my Defender of a Shattered World title, never thought I’d have it on my mage rather than on the priest who ran raids 3-4 times every week for months.

For some reason I had never finished Heroic Throne of Tides, which I did today.  We wiped at least 7 times, 2 of which I avoided, and we ended up kicking a bad hunter doing 5k dps, using a tank pet.  When they told him to bring out a dps pet, and the guy had no idea what to do.  I did a vote kick with the reason “too stupid to play” which the other members enjoyed as the guy was kicked.


I’m sorry if you are 85 and don’t know what a dps pet is, just quit.

Dear Arcane

Dear arcane, really? Signed me.

Ran a regular heroic today with some guildies, unfortunately all dps. I don’t think I’ve had a run with a guild tank since Acks ran me through something. Or Maice. DPS are always ready to go, but tanks, healers, not so much. Sigh. Anyway embarrassingly got the achievement for Vortex today since I had never done it on the mage. Also got in my TB win, and since I’m missing Rinni, spent A LOT OF TIME dying over and over at Slags charging after the horde. There was one feral druid who kept saying things to me which I wish I could translate.

During one of the battles, when it was clear we were losing I left about 30 seconds before the fail, was in the middle of typing to Ladiesman “nah nah I’m on the bridge” (our original meeting spot before we ever started talking) when he sapped me, on the bridge XD Sneaky devil! Had numerous fights just outside the bridge as well, but the horde advantage of being so much closer to said bridge is… well just unfair. Once horde are off the bridge, any ranged class, mages, warlocks, hunters, etc, are almost guaranteed to pull their guards since they only have to run about 5 yards to get to their camp. Pet classes have to be especially careful. I appreciate the guards being there but they kind of screw up after battle pvp when you get one up your ass when trying to kill fleeing horde. I mean, maybe an archway that just unflags you at the entrance to both camps would be a better idea. Then if you want to puss out on your flag status you can.

No one heals unless I do it

Ran with an all dps group (sigh) and got Deadmines a few days ago.


It went well, but I am HIGHLY disappointed that every time I, was well as other dps in the guild, want to run a random, tanks and healers never come with. And if I do heal on my priests, the group is all dps and no tanks. What gives? I think we’re very low on both classes.

Halls of Origination

Last night ran BWD, and two healed Chimaeron just fine


Three healers on some fights is just overkill.  I will heal not like crazy when it’s not needed, just to make my numbers look good.  Why would I have 7k hps? Because we didn’t need more that’s why.

We tried Nef and got to third phase once, but most of the time we died around here


Also did a BH the next day, and ended up with 74 dispels vs the other healers 30, 21, 16, and 2.  Go me!  Glyph’d mass dispel ftw.  We did wipe once and people were ragging on healers dispelling, so I linked dispels where I had double anyone else and they said “the other healers”.  That’s right!

Got invited to an HoO group with Rexe training a new tank.  Put out between 9-12k hps, and had to pop every last mana CD I had to get through it.  But I got my vp, sold one pair of valor boots for 5k, spend 6k on Bracers of Dark Pool for my mage, then bought the mail healing boots for my shaman, who hit 60 today.  Tired, going to bed.