Tag Archive | Halaa


I was out in Halaa a bit this week and killed a warrior several times.  He was not amused.

banned (1)

Sorry man but you can’t get banned for pvping.



Killed this rogue a few times around Sentinel Hill, then he motioned me to move away from the guards, where I killed him a couple more times anyway.  Added a friend, so to speak (Stabbs/Breezeblock).



Finally killed that annoying hunter I met, who also plays that rogue named Justgrazed me.  But, he was not happy about that.  Oh noes I can’t do a favor now, boooo.

And finally, been doing the Firelands dailies again.  I forgot how awful the upper path ones were.  Took me a good hour.


Wholesome and Charitable


So um yeah, I WAS out in Goldshire trying to be charitable to a rogue, but prior to that I was very wholesome to a rogue in Hellfire, and a hunter.  I had to put on gloves because I had my whole arm up that hunters ass, I went in SO hard just because I wanted him to die before he flew off on his mount again.

I really hate when people won’t land and at least try to fight.


Anyway the rogue btagged me (Justgrazedme-Dentarg/Shanedman) and we talked a bit.  Someone my age finally anyway.  I believe he also played the hunter from earlier in the week who not only wouldn’t get off his mount, and would take off the second I hit prowl.


Also added a random rogue I met when defending Saldean’s Farm (Xanthius) and a warlock (Lucifell/Lucifell) when I was playing my rogue on the Ghostlands server. The warlock said he’s new to the game so we talked about BoA’s, quests, and such.

Also went on a like, 1v6 in Halaa against 2 mages, a hunter, shaman, warrior, and another hunter, until a DK showed up and well, I died.  Damn DKs.


Might Do Hunter/Druid

I started a new hunter on Mal’ganis, and ended up back on my 90 hunter.  MM is pretty boring, and I don’t really care for BM, so I’ve been trying Survival (SV) on the new char.  I think it might be fun.  Also tempted to take my blood elf back to human, but I missed the sale on faction changes. WoWScrnShot_110614_191833


Low level pvp is another story.  You generally run into crap like this; 4+ disc priests running around with a feral or rogues.



They hit like a truck, with huge shields and heals they can spam.  It’s pretty awesome.  We won this one, though.  Alliance is pretty good at low level pvp. Unfortunately I’m on Mal’ganis on this character, which is like 99% Horde, so the second I stepped out from Elwyn Forest to Three Corners, I got ganked by 90’s.  I figured I would last until at least Outlands.  Oh well.

Building a Bridge with the Bodies

FINALLY got my flaming dagger from Firelands 25 heroic.



Now to work on a better off-hand.  I kind of like the evil book though.

Other than that, continuing to dominate Outlands, killing this guys monk several times, then his DK, then his hunter.  I switched to horde after, talked a whole bunch, and added a friend.

