Tag Archive | Ashran

Well, I finally found a Horde war chest

Only took months.


And finally got a Nightshare Sproutling from the garden!


I’m still pissing off that hunter, apparently.  We had this dumb convo the other day:


him: stop hiding

me: that’s what ferals do

him: no that’s what rogues do lol

me: every heard of prowl?

him: not as slick as u think u are



killed him twice for that.


And these crazy birds in Ashran pulled me through the ground and got me Dc’d.  Thanks, man,  Apparently that’s from LeBlanc’s Recorder.


I’ve been recording all my wpvp shenanigans, so no screenshots of that lately.  I can’t even remember the last time anyone got me 1v1 either.

Ashran Relic

Got the relic in Ashran for the first time recently.  I didn’t know it had a timer, I swear some people had it for ages originally.


Also we did Heroic ToES last week, I had never seen this fight on heroic.


Was kind of crazy, died more than a few times.

6v6 in Westfall?

I got into a 6v6 out by Saldean’s Farm the other day, Ravenshield came with, and randomly joined a few other players.  Unfortunately the spriest, warlock, and paladin were no good, and kept engaging the horde nowhere near where I was.  I won’t break stealth to run after you, especially when I said where I was waiting.

However a hunter doing a considerable amount of damage, named Skittles (Alanis) joined, and ended up adding them to my list.  A ‘not a guy’ for once, but under 20 as per usual.  Either everyone who plays this game is a teen, or some real lying is going down.




Ashran, unfortunately had some changes for the worst.  They put in gladiator mobs at the end of the bridges to the boss, which have more health than Fangral or Kronus, and respawn constantly when it’s not “time” to kill the boss.  And the boss is on a 30 minute timer now.  So if you happen to summon captains or Fangral at the wrong time, these glad mobs eat them alive and you are screwed.  Awesome.

We had maybe 10 alliance in raid this morning, when usually it was a full raid or two.  Just awful.


And pet battles.  Sigh.  FIGURES.


But never doing this again.



Weirdest Rage Tell Thus Far

A level 97 rogue was killing npcs in Honor Hold, and then harassing people at the towers.  I went feral to try to deal with it but he kept bouncing around on his flying mount, only landing long enough to see someone make a move and then flying off.  Ok well whatever.  All I could do is drop a moonfire or two.

Then I got a random rage-tell from an alliance hunter basically “ha ha damn all you 100’s can’t get me LOL so sad HA HA HA”.

I dropped a MOLL-E and shot off an email expressing confusion over gloating about running non-stop.  You can’t really get over on someone by flying around in the air.



Then got into an argument with a stupid hunter who rage-quit the raid in Ashran because he didn’t like “the leader”.



and people love my world defending at times.
