Tag Archive | RBG

I hate Gilneas

Had RBGs last night and we did quite well. I ended up finally getting over 1500 rating and a new title, picked up my last Ruthless item, and umm, had some epic healing moments I didn’t fraps. God like, for real XD Still hate Gilneas though.

Someone is going to be mad.

Did rbgs yesterday, went 4-1, not bad, even won one Gilneas. Had an epic flag carry in WSG when we killed their druid EFC so close to the turn in point, his body looked like he was nearly touching the spot. The guy stayed dead like that for a big, I imagine a lot of raging was going on by someone.

Mana Burn

For some reason Bbqtwilight was harrassing people in Goldshire, and I caught her in the middle of hearthing out.


Yesterday was sort of rough on RBGs.  Pomstar, who leads Pwnography, runs rbgs on a regular basis with varying degrees of success depending on who goes.  Anyway he was looking for healers so I said I’d go, and found myself in a 3rd group of 4 total.  He said we were making two group, but he was the only one leading so after cherry picking his own team and asking someone to lead the second one, they went off to start doing battles while the rest of us were kind of hung out to dry.  Vagisil (with the funny A) lead the second group after another hour or so, and we got Gilneas but did terrible and lost.  It took SO long to get going (near an hour and a half total at least) that I had to go at that point.

Later on I logged in and got a group with Peejay, but the flag carrier and I were running around together alone, and every time 5-7 of the enemy came and pounded me into the dirt.  We lost that too.

At night I ran rbgs with guild, and got Jan invited part way through.  We lost… 2-3, I think, and won 4.  My rating is up to 1475 so I have the Master Sergent title now.  I also picked up the helm and it looks BA’d enough to display.


The funny thing is, one of the battles was an AB and we ran into a Pwnography group.  The names I recognized were Healcrit, Badbadnyc,  Bloodylyfe (something like that) and Sieban.  Wasn’t impressed with any of them.  And by impressed I mean, did they put enough pressure on me that I had to focus on my own survival to the point I couldn’t heal anyone else, or were they injuring my  raid mates enough that I had to use my CDs.  Neither of those things happened and I just danced around the flag spamming holy nova, and fearing as it came up, and mana burned Healcrit.


Tonight we raided, and got down Baleroc, yay!  So, rather than watching for a buff to fall off another player, I just figured that I would heal 2 raid damaged people, heal the tank until my power auras told me by buff was off, then heal 2 raid people again, while throwing guardian spirit on Pawpados at the appropriate times.  At one point I did life grip on him instead of guardian spirit, which, I’ve never done.  I slipped up on that twice today, I don’t know what the deal was.


I was ridiculously lucky on rolls tonight.  I won the Funeral Pyre staff, then Flickering Cowl of the Wavecrest, then Eye of Blazing Power trinket.  Since I had just gotten the healing off hand though, I gave he staff to a pug druid that had wanted it.  Some nice shoulders, and nice looking, dropped as well, but I lost that roll.  I had already won 2 things so I would have given it up anyway.  up to 372 ilevel now.

Tried running a rbg with some random people, but, we lost.  I survived quite a bit but it seems like people always get hung up about the other teams rating.  Ok yes they have 1500 and we had me at around 1100, another person at 1400 and mostly 0 rating.  So? That may just mean you haven’t earned your rating yet.  Don’t let it pysch you the hell out.  Everyone crybaby quit after that.

Hyjal Dailies

Did my Hyjal dailies.  And oooh spiders ooooh get off get off!


then saw a rogue named Karmarouge spamming for a 2’s group, so after a while said I’d run with them.  We did 3 wins in a row which capped him after 1 win, then we did a few more to try to get me capped.  Unfortunately all 4 attempts after that were losses, including one fight that he dropped out of at 30 minutes because we got the rogue (with a holy pally) down to 500 hp and even throwing my dots on him, he some how survived and I was completely OOM and out of all CDs.  I survived about 60 seconds after he left but we lost.  The other lost fights were against 2 frost mages, and every single team had 2 stealths besides the pally one.  But it the fights were really close and I am ok with that.   The rogue seemed to be quite good also.  I must have mana burned that damn paladin at least 10 times and tried to chain fears and mc’s but no luck. Ah well.

Then did some rbgs with that rogue and Pomstars group again, and got my cap, got the Private title and 1,100 rbg rating which gave me another achievement, called In Service of the Alliance.  That seemed to prompt Mauker in guild, who is running guild rbgs, to ask if I wanted to join their group on thursdays, to which I said yes and went and posted on the forum about it.  Ran into Zukk during a AB that we won too.

Tonight was a raid and, I really, really played like crap at Shannox.  I ended up in at least 2 fire traps and got stuck in crystal 3x between 2 fights.  I was avidly looking for it the entire time but for some reason didn’t see them, and got stuck.  I was not happy with myself.  Ended up winning the Goblet of Anger though, an extremely nice offhand.


We got down Rhyolith after, 3 tries I think, then nearly got down that fire lady, got her down to about 10%.  I’m sure we’ll get it tomorrow.  What I don’t like about that fight though, is that the tank healers get to mostly stay in one spot and heal, and I have to bounce across the field and all the fire to heal ranged on either side.  Would be nice if they were in the middle if possible but eh.