Tag Archive | Dungeons

Didn’t I Kill You?

The final 5 man instance features an escort by Thrall, which I guess some Alliance players are ticked about.  The totems he throws down have the horde “logo” on it too, not sure what that’s about.


Why wouldn’t we have an escort by Varian?  I suppose I’m going soft over the whole Horde thing (insert joke about Ladiesman stealing my Alliance card here) but eh whatever.  In that party though I joked it was total bs and brought out the war bear I got for killing Thrall a year or so ago.

Later on I did my daily bg win and who should I run into but Ladiesman on his warlock, and yes I tried to beat his ASS.  He had a druid healer on him that the other alliance weren’t taking care of. Top 3 attacked, Joeshagwell, 58%, next person, 14. Ha ha.   We lost miserably, then went on to crush horde in a SoTA.


I plan on trying to gear both characters equally this time, and the LFR tool will help me do that without needing both chars on a regular team.

End Time

Queued up for the new 5 mans again, got The End Time one (I think) and had some dumb wipes on trash but otherwise it went ok.  Nothing even close to cloth related dropped.  Went on to queue for the second one which I thought was pretty epic. The first boss was easy but you get to go with Illidan, with your whole party turned into night elves, in a sort of hunters stealth cover.  He grumbled cranky-like if you don’t pull fast too. I didn’t get a shot of that.


and, thank goodness this wasn’t a vehicle battle. I was all tensed up waiting for it, but we did land.  In this particular group I was with Euph on his warrior (from VoW), and the paladin healer and at least 1 other was speaking Portuguese.   The paladin healer, did next to no healing on me, on the last fight he gave me like 80k in heals.  My hp is roughly 138k total.


Around this point in the instance, when you fight the guy that i believe was Queen Ashara’s escort, we three dps died and it was finished by Euphanized and the paladin only.  Recount was kind of hilarious, the paladin had about 40% healing on Euph, 36% on himself, and 7-9% on all the dps.  Thanks, guy.  The fight continues after that point straight onto another boss,  so the rest of us just ran in again.  I had to mostly heal myself, I think the paladin had it out for dps in general.


At some point near the end you are turned into what I believe were Illidan clones


I picked up a Cowl of Highborne Sorcerors to finally replace my 353 troll dungeon helm, which was the first piece of cloth stuff I’ve seen in like 4 runs.

So far I like these new dungeons, they aren’t really that hard but it’s enjoyable anyway and the one I posted above, is simply breathtaking to look at.

ZA and ZG are hard

Since I was on dungeon CD on my mage, I queued for Z dungeons and the first one I logged into last boss of ZA, and died straight away since the healer left the party during a wipe. They said the healer sucked but I had to put out 16k hps on the eagle phase since everyone was standing right in the tornados.

Next one was last boss of ZG, wiped once when no one was getting the body slams but me. Died, asked if everyone knew the fight, yes. Turns on the shaman did not because the second attempt they were nowhere near the chains on the jumps, and apparently life grip doesn’t work to correct them, or I just wasn’t fast enough. Managed to barely get that down though. So two sets of VP runs in about 10 mins, yay. Got a ZA after that which went well also. I forgot how nice healer queues are. Then got in an AV win.

Try Healing Maybe?

The Z dungeon pain continues again today and I’m starting to see why I’m having more of a problem on dps rather than on heals.  When I’m healing, I eliminate the possibility of there being a bad healer, because I’m doing the healing.

For example last time we had a paladin healer who just… wasn’t healing.  I hit 30% on a pack of trash and counted to 30, not a single heal.  The trash was killed and still I stood there at 30%.  The next trash was marked with moon for Sheep and they had enough time to say “sheep it” then “can’t you sheep it” and for me to reply “maybe if I get a heal’ because my hp was no longer, at 30% ish.  This same healer wiped us repeatedly at the panther boss, while I watched their mp bar move not a bit during most of the fight, before we all died, anyway. They claimed they were casting heals but nothing was going out.

Then later, the DK and I duo’d this guy from around 50% health to dead.


I’m really liking the mage again.  Evo healing the damage, ice blocking damage that would have killed me, blinking or invizing out of trouble, fun!

Our healer, a disc priest, was in full pvp gear though, but still did ok.  I know you lose a large amount of some off stat in pvp gear but the priest stuff has int, spirit so it’s not, TOO awful. You just..


Ran a regular heroic random last night and once again got Deadmines. I complained mightily about this when I entered and DK said either I had bad luck or I was “inept” but didn’t want to insult me by assuming inept right off the bat. I think being in mostly Firelands gear would have answered that already. Anyway it went poorly to the point that the dk died and he agreed it was just my bad luck and said something insulting about the tank keeping aggro. He left. The tank died to the first boss at the very end and then I left.

After that I got a Grim Batol which took like over an hour since the tank was in ilevel 322, and didn’t know the place at all. We did finish that thought but explaining each fight along the way was annoying.

Ran bgs with Peejay after that, won the first one, then was starting to lose the second one when Rayzo asked if I still needed Nef. YES. Dropped out of that and joined a 25m raid for Nefarion with Peejay who offered to come. We did Atramedes, Chimaeron, then Nef. Brdlady was there, doing terrible dps like usual, and left before nef. We wiped a number of times on Nef but Peejay started organizing things and tanking the adds and we finally got it. I was at 13k heals doing Cinor, who was tanking Nef, and healing Peejay since I was not sure he was going to live with the other healers doing 8k heals or less. But we got it and I FINALLY got my shattered title. I tried to roll for the healing mace but one of the terrible healers got it. I really didn’t need it but damn I wanted it.