Tag Archive | Dungeons

Warlock Replacement

So, I haven’t met any warlocks in a while since Perfide, but today on my monk I made a btag friend of one named Oreomix who gave me advice on monk-ing.


Ran a few dungeons together then threw an invite, why not right, they talked a lot about pvp and it’s good to know warlocks sometimes.

The Randomess of Low Level Behavior

In the course of doing battlegrounds and dungeons at low level, I really have come into variety of behavior.

Sometimes I get compliments:


Sometimes I get called a retarded Sasquatch, who needs to exit the bg and never play again,  told I’m a terrible healer who sucks, is afraid to leave a base, and is losing the bg for us:


Sometimes I have dungeons where the hunter afk’s because he’s “smoking a blunt” and another saying they are lagging because they are streaming porn, and likens the dragons in Sunken Temple to dildos.  I’m not making this stuff up:


Tanking for the first time ever

I rolled a warrior and went prot just to see how it was.  Took a while to hit 15 which Deadmeen was teasing me about, but pvp wins gives barely any experience now.  Like 10% for a win.  That’s horrible, what happened?

I am correctly geared in my BoAs and weapons (sword ‘n board) and read up on my skills.  I did a Ragefire Cavern, that went fine.

Then Deadmines, holy geez.


That was after the shaman yelling at me for not holding threat.  When I pointed out taunt has a 8 second cd they said “my heal has a 10 second cd and I’m doing fine”.  That’s riptide you moron, that’s not your only heal though.

Prior to that it was ‘you have boas and you aren’t holding threat’ and ‘i’m holding threat better than you’

I have internetz of steel though and I promptly told the healer to fuck themselves and kick me if they didn’t like it.  I then ran back a bit to not pull anything and waited for the kick which happened soon after. Fine. I just wonder how new tanks handle it that don’t have a mouth of fire like I do.

Holystab is awful

So, yeah, I think Holystab is, not working out. We talked in skype for bgs once, had to listen to farting noises (I’m not kidding), repeated comments about what was going on in his pants, how he could outheal my disc priest on his shadow priest (to which I said, ‘that means you are playing a spriest wrong’), and so on.

Then yesterday he asked me to heal a heroic with “his girl”. I said sure. He invites me, then he and she are off somewhere losing a lot of life. I wait a bit then ask if we’re going to queue or what. We queue and get heroic VP, which is one of my favorites. He throws up a queue for multiple dungeons, then says he hates this one and refuses to tank it. Says he’ll sit there 15 minutes if he had to, basically stalling the group. Then he queued up for ZG, which I HATE, and I declined, then left taking 30 min deserter.

You ask me to heal something? Don’t waste my fucking time being a nit pick. I gave him a piece of my mind then went off to lose a bunch of battlegrounds.

Blood Elf Priest

So yeah I made a blood elf priest who is 81 as of today, disc spec and herb/alchemy just like my Alliance priest. Nothing really to note thus far, dungeon groups have been pretty good, pvp not too bad. I went from the guild Angelus invited me to over 9 months ago to Whisperwind Eleven, as “Friends and Family” sponsored, I guess you could say, by Fratricide.  He was the blood elf paladin who got Ladiesman’s 7k bounty by killing me.  I discussed that in my Alliance threads.

Anyway the people in that guild I like, Ribby is the horde goblin priest who was annoying in TB like me, Missnewbooty, etc, have all been nice and talkative.

Then the other day I was randomly standing around in Org channeling the “Game of Thrones” thing with my name, my “Flame Keeper” title, my little red protodrake when a hunter named Sealgaer who I mentioned way back in Oct 2011[/url] asked if it was after GoT and I said yes.  We talked for a bit and he commented “I wish I had a Dothrakki warrior now”. lol

He and a paladin named Holystab ran me through BRC twice and I picked up some new gear.


Those two were giving a heavy vibe that they were gay, or something, I dunno.  Lots of “he does whatever I say” from the pally to the hunter and that kind of thing.  ERP maybe.


Anyway the next day I said hi again to Seal and got invited to a party with the pally but on his rogue and we did BRC again.  I don’t know how it came up but I mentioned my Alliance priests name and the hunter remembered the incident where I almost killed him in TB.  He remembered I had signed onto Elliebelly to say “GG” or something like that.  I was like wow that was a long time ago!  I’m glad I write these names down to remember these things.

So I have 2 more battletag friends between the two of them now.