Tag Archive | Transmog

Blood elf Minions

I wanted a new staff transmog so I went out to Shadowmoon Valley to get a quest version rather than pay the 18k someone wanted for the Exodar Life Staff.

First, gosh I love this spell. Blood elves are my minions, yay! lol


and this is from the last part of the quest


I remember doing it on my mage


and all of that was just so I could have this staff:


I went and did FL tonight only because I wanted to get Exalted with the Avengers of Hyjal FINALLY.  I picked up the 391 rep ring, and got heroic Jaws of Defeat. I was still using regular jaws so I equipped that, I like macroing it with PI.

I also took Alys’s Razor for transmog (my shaman has that it’s awesome) and Mantle of Closed doors.

Everything went fairly well this time although I still think our druid, I really  don’t know what they are doing sometimes.  We had that one incident of them not dpsing or healing AT ALL during Majordomo once, and this time I noticed they avoided a fire cat leap by going into travel form.  I thought oh good, they avoided that, but… then he stayed in cat form.  The entire cat phase.  He just ran back and forth like waiting for another jump and I saw no heals going off. I don’t get that guy.

Before we got  Rag down and I suggested that we please, please have the tanks stand together like we use to do in A9N.  For some reason in Relentless they were standing so far apart you had to move to hit both with heals and it was just annoying.

Vengeful Druid

Today we did normal Firelands since we still do not have a Rag kill. I like these fights!  We were trying out a new healer to have them join the guild, a pally named Virstena.  I don’t know much about pally healing but their heals were on par with what I was putting out.

Our druid though, gosh, I just don’t know.  My druid healer is only 44 at this point so I’m not going to pretend to be any kind of expert, but across the board their heals were on the low side and typically came in as the lowest on each fight.  After Rhyolith we lost a dps, so the druid said we can 9 man Alysrazor. I said “9 man with 3 healers, lol” and they asked why that was funny.  Beeeeeecause you don’t need 3 heals, so you are basically running with 4 dps? Besides that obvious bit of information you mean?

I didn’t actually say anything sarcastic like that I just said it’s easily 2 healable so being short 2 dps seemed kind of harsh.  That fight I did not see them do hardly any healing, my recount only showed about 2k hps but I thought maybe I was just too far out of range.

Then on Majordomo, apparently they chose to just do nothing that fight.  They did not dps, they did not heal.  First I thought my recount was broken because I saw no heals going off, then I focus targeted them and saw their mana bar not only not moving at all, but no spells at all were going off.  They were stacking and spreading so they weren’t locked, or dc’d. I sent them a message about their lack of doing anything and just got an “oh”. I went completely oom by the end of this fight with no available cd’s to do anything about it.


They had 0 dps and 0 hps until the very very end of the fight. Like when the boss died. After that fight they dropped raid and logged out.  I don’t get it, maybe it was some angry version of making me prove it could be two healed?   But I meant with a full 10 man raid, with everyone actively participating, not 9 people with 1 doing nothing. No one expects to 2 heal an 8 person raid.  We did get him down but what the fuck.

I won these shoulders for transmog though, they are AWESOME for my masterwork set.


Dragon Soul LFR

The new raids are puggable now,


but made 3 attempts on Ultraxion before I decided it wasn’t worth it and I had to work soon.


Did a lfr for the first 4 bosses and won Mosswrought Shoulderguards, which is funny because I JUST replaced my shoulders from 359 to 378 a few days ago, and now to 384s.  I transmog’d it to this set though, I think it’s cute.


On the second boss 2 mage shoulders dropped (tier token) and the good fire mage got one, and an arcane mage that did zero dps on the boss got the other. When I mentioned it in raid they just said some nonsense about “not paying attention” in broken English and they were vote kicked.  But they still got tier for doing nothing.

A lot of people are furious over the loot mechanics on these fights since it’s what appears to be modified open roll.  You get a bonus amount added to your roll if the system considers your need roll appropriate, like my priest needing on a spirit piece. Only it is not taking into account several things which a normal raid leader would consider such as

1) someone winning who did no dps/healing or tanking. (I’ve seen all 3 cases already)
2) someone who already won something that same boss
3) someone who already won something on another boss
4) someone who did god awful dps/healing
5) someone who died to standing in stuff or other fail methods of dying and being dead most of the fight


But honestly I’m not even sure how they could account for all of these things. Was that death to fire because you didn’t move fast enough or because you should have been healed quickly and weren’t?  Did you die from lack of heals?  No dps would be a clear one but how about just really fail dps.  Are you hitting one button just to get past the “no dps” meter, are you just bad? Poorly geared? Learning the fights?

I think some corrections can be made like not letting one person win 2 things in the same fight, and not letting a DK roll on agi gear or a mage roll on spirit gear (with the bonus roll) but otherwise I think a lot of it we’ll just have to deal with.

Jaina’s Staff

Ran the 5 man dungeons over and over and over today but didn’t come away with any loot for oh, the first 5 runs I think. Earlier in the week I got side-grade gloves, robe, but I still badly need to replace 359 shoulders, and belt.  If I can get those I’ll just drop the 2pc set I have since it’s not that good and gets me killed anyway (with the mirrors) and gear it for fire, and go fire.  Arcane gets shut down pretty hard in some of these new instances and raids.

On one of my last runs for the day I picked up Jaina’s Staff, which makes me slightly sad in the pants because I had spent like 17k on Volcanospike what feels like not that long ago (2 months I think) but eh what can you do.  That other weapon served me well.  It’s a pretty staff too, in addition to the pretty robes I picked up, I’m happy with some of the looks on the new loot.
