Tag Archive | Halaa

Some People Just Need Killing, Again

Did some soloing of raids the other night.  I did BoT, and man, the trash will kill you.  Have to clear it sometimes.


Also went exploring.  I believe this was called the Circle of Life out in Twilight Highlands.




Joined Barnowl for some  wpvp on the heavily Horde dominated server of Mal’ganis.  We killed them for a long time before they finally overwhelmed us.



And of course, ravaging Horde repeatedly in Halaa.





Also picked up a cool shoulder transmog for my hunter. Who, I’m tempted to bring back Alliance.


Fun Times Balancing

There seems to be some massive problems with balance currently.  Feral for sure, is OP.  I’m eating people alive.  I killed a rogue out in Bone Wastes, then a warrior in Halaa.  Killed a mage repeatedly in the same area, then a warrior again.




He took it poorly though.




Earlier in Tol Barad I dueled a MM hunter who I killed fairly easily, but as BM he ripped me apart.  The fire mage in Halaa also tore me up pretty quick when he was at full health.  Not sure how skilled they all were, but only a few days into class changes we’re probably all at roughly the same level, and things just don’t feel fair.


But for now it’s fun being OP.



Someone else also btag invited me, I said hi, there said hey there, and boom offline and removed.  Sigh.

Diva Healers

I find it amusing when I switch sides, who gets upset I’m not on their faction.  Misdora was raging at me the other night because I was healing Predator, formerly known as Deterrence.    Kept saying to stop healing ‘that trash’ and such.  Whereas Eklipz didn’t seem to mind.

We fought against 3 priests and a mage, just he and I, and I only died once.  To a mind control.  Damn priests.  That slight delay in flight form activating did it on my trip down the cliff.

Anyway Predator seems ok to me.  Great hunter.

I tried getting back into the swing of my hunter today but, out of practice.  It’s also annoying to not be a healer in dungeons or pvp.  Healers are such amazing princesses.  An undergeared shaman told whoever was FCing in a WSG that “stay by me or you won’t get heals”.  Ok.

1) That’s obvious and

2) try to keep up


The only time I may rant at an FC  is if they do twists and turns in the base and constantly LoS me.  But I still try to keep up.  I understand why they do it too.




Had this bit of fun with a hunter we killed twice.  They probably were upset I pressed X on them a few times.  Before they released.  Yep.   He wouldn’t have been able to solo me.  There was a heroic geared hunter that totally did though, it was embarrassing

The 7 Steps of Backpedaling Denial

I’m not even kidding, I ran into this today.  The rogue I met back in Crossroads named Styxz was online and we started talking.  He invited me to come out to Crossroads and fight him.  I killed him repeatedly on my hunter, then Barn also killed him a bunch.  We noticed he was back pedaling and gave friendly advice on gear, gems, talents, and keybinding.   I’m totally going to sketch and or screenie this though.

Step 1:  Disbelief

Wow, can’t believe I just died to you.

Step 2:  Denial

I was lagging, I keep lagging.

Step 3:  Anger

You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?  This is probably the only time you can 1v1 anyone, isn’t it?

Step 4:  Bargaining

Hang on I’m going to change specs, then I’ll kill you just wait.

Step 5:  Guilt

I’m a clicker

Step 6: Depression

Ahh I can’t do this! I set up a keybind but I keep hitting the wrong skills!

Step 7: Acceptance and Hope

I’m going to practice this, and when I get better you’ll be dead faster than a raccoon on a highway at rush hour.

(No, I am not making this up)



Speaking of, prior to that I killed a druid who was stealthed in Halaa (yes 90), then killed a 90 DK, then killed a 90 hunter.  The other day I also killed a 90 warlock with a 90 holy paladin, some 6-7 times until they logged.  No lie.   They wouldn’t stop attacking Eastpoint Tower low level npcs!



I also killed a 90 hunter, and druid at a the Hellfire stadium tower prior to that.  Being rude to someone trying to help you out, isn’t very cool.

Warlock Replacement

So, I haven’t met any warlocks in a while since Perfide, but today on my monk I made a btag friend of one named Oreomix who gave me advice on monk-ing.


Ran a few dungeons together then threw an invite, why not right, they talked a lot about pvp and it’s good to know warlocks sometimes.