Tag Archive | Transmog

This is Pepe, you’ve got a friend!


He’s in a tree in the garrison, you can jump click to get him.

And people LOVE my paladins transmog.




Later on my druid, I ran into a warrior and ret paladin killing NPCs ruthlessly in Kharanos. At first go, I couldn’t handle them both with LoH and bubble up.  But that’s ok, I came back and killed them both.  Again and again.


Then they moved to a tall hill to heal up.  Bad idea.  Landed on them, blew the paladin off, where he didn’t bubble until after he took near fatal damage.  Ran in for the kill on the paladin, then the warrior landed on me. Kill him too.  They tried a few times to get me, with the paladin even trying to rez the warrior but hello, skull bash?  And at one point tried to hearth without bubble-hearth going on.

I just love how the warrior at one point said /no like I’d take that for an answer.


Weirdest Rage Tell Thus Far

A level 97 rogue was killing npcs in Honor Hold, and then harassing people at the towers.  I went feral to try to deal with it but he kept bouncing around on his flying mount, only landing long enough to see someone make a move and then flying off.  Ok well whatever.  All I could do is drop a moonfire or two.

Then I got a random rage-tell from an alliance hunter basically “ha ha damn all you 100’s can’t get me LOL so sad HA HA HA”.

I dropped a MOLL-E and shot off an email expressing confusion over gloating about running non-stop.  You can’t really get over on someone by flying around in the air.



Then got into an argument with a stupid hunter who rage-quit the raid in Ashran because he didn’t like “the leader”.



and people love my world defending at times.


Dragonsoul 25m Heroic

I ran Dragon Soul the other night to get Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps (get it, DPS!) which I think looks lovely with my transmog.


Ravenshield helped me do that, and practically solo’d spine.  I died from 50% to dead in those tentacle stuns. Sigh.

That blood elf priest, Aerith something or other, keeps being an ass in Westfall.  I reported them last time for what I guessed was the following workflow a few months back.

Queue up a dungeon. Wait for it to pop.

Kill quest npcs, causing player to be flagged for pvp.

Immediately take dungeon queue.  Flag washes off.

Ditch dungeon (or bg), come back unflagged. Repeat.

Rejoice in the fact that no one can kill you unless super quick.


They were gone for a while, but I saw, and reported them again last night. They switched it up though.

Come to Westfall unflagged.

Penance Farmer Saldean to death.

IMMEDIATELY pop Spectral Guise (drops combat)

Immediately log out.


I’m still on the fence of the last step they are taking though.  I’m pretty sure it’s a log out, because I pounce/raked her the second she flagged and she didn’t die even with 3 other 90’s dog-piling on her, so I think it’s a force log of some sort.  She also doesn’t come back on kitty-radar after the duration of guise should be done.

You can kill the npcs all day long, that’s fine.  Just don’t be a shit and avoid punishment by flaking game mechanics. Even bubble-hearth or that invincibility talisman requires you hearth and spend travel time coming back. What this person is doing isn’t proper.



No seriously though, 7 minute fights. I ran with a guild tank, because they were new, and we did that train dungeon.  We wiped some 5 times on the cannon boss, at one point exceeding 7 minutes just doing nothing but killing the adds.  We replaced most of the dps before getting it.

I’ve been leveling my holy paladin, and more than a few times I got stuff like this “why we need a healer?”WoWScrnShot_122914_200633


I’m on Sargeras which I guess is mostly Alliance but all I see is Horde, like in the case of this warrior who opened on me, who I beat to death.  As holy.


But maybe it’s because I look so good!



Anyway did a dungeon on my druid later in the day, and that went 7 minutes.  Fastest time, 2.  Sigh.  It’s all because dps don’t know what they are doing either. No more face rolling through stuff.