Tag Archive | Arena

Hyjal Dailies

Did my Hyjal dailies.  And oooh spiders ooooh get off get off!


then saw a rogue named Karmarouge spamming for a 2’s group, so after a while said I’d run with them.  We did 3 wins in a row which capped him after 1 win, then we did a few more to try to get me capped.  Unfortunately all 4 attempts after that were losses, including one fight that he dropped out of at 30 minutes because we got the rogue (with a holy pally) down to 500 hp and even throwing my dots on him, he some how survived and I was completely OOM and out of all CDs.  I survived about 60 seconds after he left but we lost.  The other lost fights were against 2 frost mages, and every single team had 2 stealths besides the pally one.  But it the fights were really close and I am ok with that.   The rogue seemed to be quite good also.  I must have mana burned that damn paladin at least 10 times and tried to chain fears and mc’s but no luck. Ah well.

Then did some rbgs with that rogue and Pomstars group again, and got my cap, got the Private title and 1,100 rbg rating which gave me another achievement, called In Service of the Alliance.  That seemed to prompt Mauker in guild, who is running guild rbgs, to ask if I wanted to join their group on thursdays, to which I said yes and went and posted on the forum about it.  Ran into Zukk during a AB that we won too.

Tonight was a raid and, I really, really played like crap at Shannox.  I ended up in at least 2 fire traps and got stuck in crystal 3x between 2 fights.  I was avidly looking for it the entire time but for some reason didn’t see them, and got stuck.  I was not happy with myself.  Ended up winning the Goblet of Anger though, an extremely nice offhand.


We got down Rhyolith after, 3 tries I think, then nearly got down that fire lady, got her down to about 10%.  I’m sure we’ll get it tomorrow.  What I don’t like about that fight though, is that the tank healers get to mostly stay in one spot and heal, and I have to bounce across the field and all the fire to heal ranged on either side.  Would be nice if they were in the middle if possible but eh.

Don’t arena in blues

We were supposed to do Cho’gall tonight but once again we didn’t have enough people, ended up having a meeting for an hour, and went to do other things. I ran some dungeons on my shaman, a little upset about the hour lost again, then tried some 2v2’s with a paladin in guild named Ticktockdead. We lost every fight, even though they lasted quite a long time. He was in mostly 333 or 346 PVE blues, so that explains that.

Tunnel Vision

Queued for a heroic and got Deadmines, but failed on the thresher boss with the druid and another person doing less than 5k dps. We wiped on that boss a few times and it was clear 2 people did not know the fight, the tank bailed and then I left.

After that I got Stonecore with a guy who did not know how to tank it, but other than 3 wipes on bad pulls, and 1 wipe on Ozruk, it went ok. Didn’t pick up any gear in either run.

Later ran arena with Acks on his warrior and got cap pretty quickly. I am doing better on my mage mostly because I am trying harder to use all my crowd control first rather than trying to damage someone down, and running to hide and heal up even if it’s 2 to 1. Sort of learned that when doing arena with Alex.

Yeah, it sucks.

I had always been curious what it would be like to run arena with Rayslayz on his rogue on Alliance, and I found out today.  It sucks.  He asked me to run a few matches I said sure, we set up a team and ran first against a frost dk and a feral druid.  We lost, and I didn’t see either person we fought against take any considerable damage.  I got beat down pretty hard and died after I had to use all my cd’s.


Then we did a shadow priest and frost mage, which means they had a good amount of CC, so I was healing/dispelling as much as I could between fears and such and we lost again with neither other player taking what looked like ANY damage. He then said he quits, left the team we just made, then ragged on me repeatedly for not dispelling, being in the wrong place, etc.

Did not want to raid tonight, so ran 2’s with Acks on my mage to get cap, after running it with Alexmx earlier, then ran 3’s with Rashill, Acks and my priest for fun, did pretty well, 8-3.  And one loss was only because Acks didn’t load in with us during one battle.

After that I did a SoTA and, wth honor?  I had 10th highest HK’s, 3rd highest healing, 1 siege destroyed, and got the LOWEST amount of alliance honor, BY A TON.


So how the hell did I get over 100 l less than the lowest alliance player?

Ragefire Chasm

Ladiesman helped me get into Ragefire Chasm today to get the Robes of Devotion, which are so pretty! I’ve been uploading gear shots like crazy to wowhead too. Unfortunately I didn’t notice until after I uploaded it, that my chars eyes were closed XD I’ll have to take another.

Earlier in the week I went back to his team for arena as well, and we lost a few getting back into the swing of it, then we got it together and got my points in. Watching rogues play, a good one, is mesmerizing to me XD